
naughty是什么意思 naughty在线翻译 naughty什么意思 naughty的意思 naughty的翻译 naughty的解释 naughty的发音 naughty的同义词 naughty的反义词

naughty [ˈnɔ:ti]  [ˈnɔti] 


naughty 基本解释


形容词顽皮的; 淘气的; 不听话的; 下流的

naughty 同义词

naughty 反义词

naughty 相关例句


1. naughty的解释

1. It was naughty of you to pull the cat's tail.

2. It was naughty of Father to stay out so late.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Those naughty boys have been acting up again.

4. Nice boys do not use naughty words.

naughty 网络解释

1. 顽皮的:来自Nurun公司的圣诞祝福,点击每个人,然后猜猜这个人看起来是好的(Nice)或者顽皮的(Naughty来自The Martin Agency公司的圣诞祝福,数字水果蛋糕(Digital Fruicake)广告主:斯堪的纳维亚航空公司(Scandinavian Airlines) 广告目的:金融危机严重影响了航空业,

2. 淘气:沿着路进到里面,到了后山,看了淘气(naughty)又可爱的猴子,喂它们吃了香蕉. 然后又去看了狮子、大象、老虎等等(and so no). 3.. 晚上回家了,很累,但玩的真愉快啊.

3. 顽皮:卡通每一集(episode)都是描述Caillou每天生活上的经历 + 遭遇的问题 + 发挥的想像力(imagination)+解决问题的小智慧.Caillou满脑子的幻想和创意(creativity), 与家人和邻居朋友的互动(interaction) 非常有趣,虽然有点顽皮(naughty) , 但也能从每一

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 调皮的:假如你是某中学高三年级学生,今天早上来到教室,一扇玻璃窗被打坏了,同学们正议论纷纷,认为是班上最调皮的(naughty)同学Tom所为. 你认为这对Tom不公平,应该以事实说话.

naughty 词典解释

1. 顽皮的;淘气的;不听话的
    If you say that a child is naughty, you mean that they behave badly or do not do what they are told.

    e.g. Girls, you're being very naughty...
    e.g. You naughty boy, you gave me such a fright.

When he poked his tongue at the press it was just a young boy's natural naughtiness.

2. (书籍、照片、词语等)不规矩的,淫猥的,下流的
    You can describe books, pictures, or words, as naughty when they are slightly rude or related to sex.

    e.g. You know what little boys are like with naughty words.
    e.g. ...saucy TV shows, crammed full of naughty innuendo.

...a writer who shocked the bourgeoisie with his sexual naughtiness.

naughty 单语例句

1. My lover and I exchanged naughty winks at one another while the cab jerked its way through the streets of the seaside city.

2. An adaptation of the novel by John Updike, the best moments are when Nicholson shows us what a naughty boy he can be.

3. " Deck the Halls " strains to be both naughty and nice with much clamor and not much conviction.

4. The naughty cat accidentally fell into a crack on the advertisement board.

5. Naughty America has plans to let users pay for a background check that scans their criminal record.

6. A pledge from a culpable business is like one from a naughty kid who says he'll not lie again.

7. Sarah Harding has a " naughty cupboard " for her treats and snacks.

8. Those in favor of the harsh punishment reason that only naughty pupils were required to endure the odor of their own shoes.

9. But I didn't choose to be a teacher for I didn't want to face the naughty children.

10. While people are arguing, the " naughty boy " on the flagpole keeps going up.

naughty 英英释义



1. badly behaved

    e.g. a naughty boy

2. suggestive of sexual impropriety

    e.g. a blue movie
           blue jokes
           he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details
           a juicy scandal
           a naughty wink
           naughty words
           racy anecdotes
           a risque story
           spicy gossip

    Synonym: bluegamygameyjuicyracyrisquespicy

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