
nickel是什么意思 nickel在线翻译 nickel什么意思 nickel的意思 nickel的翻译 nickel的解释 nickel的发音 nickel的同义词 nickel的反义词 nickel的例句

nickel [ˈnɪkl]  [ˈnɪkəl] 


nickel 基本解释

名词[化]镍; 五分镍币



nickel 相关例句


1. Can you give me a dime for two nickels?

nickel 网络解释

1. 镍:据美国国际贸易委员会(US International Trade Commission) 上周公布的数字显示,美国6 月份铜入口较5 月份大跌32%,铝入口则大跌40%,镍(Nickel) 更是大幅跌53%.

2. 镀镍:形状: 圆片/圆柱形材料:N-35磁化方向:6mm 厚度方向表面处理:电镀镍(Nickel)使用温度:< 80度自重:0.31g表面磁场:3,600高斯吸附力:0.25kg产品说明第三代稀土永磁钕铁硼是..HD系列手动永磁起重器产品介绍一,

3. 力奇:包括发蜡、清洁和须后产品,还有几款男士专用的面霜和眼部修护乳. 除了自有品牌外,丝芙兰的货架上还摆放着来自法国的力奇(NICKEL)、瑞士的泰仕(TASK)和法国的依诗贝格(EISENBERG)等品牌,产品从男士掖面奶、磨砂

nickel 词典解释

    Nickel is a silver-coloured metal that is used in making steel.

2. (美国和加拿大的)5分镍币
    In the United States and Canada, a nickel is a coin worth five cents.


nickel 单语例句

1. We are one of the richest countries in terms of minerals - we have chromite, nickel and copper - and new data has confirmed the presence of gold.

2. Its oil and nickel yield rank second, and coal and mirabilite rank fifth.

3. Films made of cobalt phthalocyanine show decreases in current, while those made from copper or nickel show increases in current.

4. The two companies'complementary nature led them to collaborate to build a cleaner nickel production facility.

5. " We can not afford to nickel and dime our nations heroes, " he said.

6. Other contracts that the Shanghai exchange is studying include steel rods, nickel and fuel ethanol.

7. This same style of trend breakout pressure is also seen with the nickel price traded on the London Metals Exchange.

8. The mainland's booming economy has fueled exponential growth in demand for nickel, a fundamental metal used to produce stainless steel.

9. It makes extensive use of strong masculine materials like oak, nickel and bronze.

10. The ore will help mitigate the shortage of the country's industrial nickel resources, said an official with the region's geology and mineral exploration bureau on Friday.

nickel 英英释义



1. a United States coin worth one twentieth of a dollar

2. five dollars worth of a drug

    e.g. a nickel bag of drugs
           a nickel deck of heroin

    Synonym: nickel note

3. a hard malleable ductile silvery metallic element that is resistant to corrosion
    used in alloys
    occurs in pentlandite and smaltite and garnierite and millerite

    Synonym: Niatomic number 28


1. plate with nickel

    e.g. nickel the plate

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