
nude是什么意思 nude在线翻译 nude什么意思 nude的意思 nude的翻译 nude的解释 nude的发音 nude的同义词 nude的反义词 nude的例句 nude的相关词组

nude [nju:d]  [nu:d] 


nude 基本解释

形容词裸体的; 无装饰的; [法]无效的,无偿的

名词裸体; 裸体像

nude 反义词


nude 相关词组

1. in the nude : 裸体;

nude 网络解释

1. 肤色:啡、杏、卡其及米色等近肤色( nude )的色调,是今季低调人士的好选择,那内敛、温文尔雅的感觉,特别适合参加长辈的饭局. Nude 色形象亦非常百变,选择轻纱、丝绸等质地塑造温婉小女人形象;要是麻布、 canvas 等挺身质地,即可变身玩硬朗.

2. nude的翻译

2. 裸鼠:1998年,有学者利用干细胞通过组织工程学技术,首次在裸鼠(nude)的背上克隆出了具有耳朵形态的软骨. 对急性心肌梗死(AMI)的患者,对闭塞冠状动脉进行早期灌注是减少死亡率、改善患者预后的有效手段. 但是这些患者往往易发生梗死后心衰.

nude 词典解释

1. 裸体的;赤裸的
    A nude person is not wearing any clothes.


    e.g. The occasional nude bather comes here...
    e.g. She turned down £1.2 million to pose nude in Playboy...

2. 裸体画;裸体雕像;裸体人像
    A nude is a picture or statue of a person who is not wearing any clothes. A nude is also a person in a picture who is not wearing any clothes.


    e.g. He was one of Australia's most distinguished artists, renowned for his portraits, landscapes and nudes.

nude 单语例句

1. Many women featured in Carnival dance nearly nude in feathered costumes, but Arruda didn't say how naked she's willing to get.

2. Britain's advertising watchdog has criticized an ad for a clothing company featuring a partially nude model who appeared to be younger than 16.

3. Those images for Vogue magazine feature Monroe in next to nothing, posing nude with some scarves and jewelry as her accessories and sipping champagne.

4. Six Pennsylvania teens faced felony child pornography charges after police found underage boys swapping nude pictures of female classmates.

5. Police said the men paid for a wash before stripping nude and cleaning themselves in the soapy water while their female companions took photos.

6. The following pages showed her partially clothed wearing dog tags while working out, as well as completely nude.

7. In Yuan's work, a nude woman from the Dai ethnic group is seen bathing among clothed figures.

8. Prosecutors said that in July 2004 Li stripped off her cloths and chatted with people in nude using her webcam.

9. Among the accusations were claims that youngsters at Columbia were forced to eat their vomit and were tossed nude into isolation cells.

10. The composition is somewhat strange, with a male nude posing in twisted forms and plants in distorted shapes.

nude 英英释义


1. a painting of a naked human figure

    Synonym: nude painting

2. a statue of a naked human figure

    Synonym: nude sculpturenude statue

3. a naked person

    Synonym: nude person

4. without clothing (especially in the phrase `in the nude')

    e.g. they swam in the nude



1. completely unclothed

    e.g. bare bodies
           naked from the waist up
           a nude model

    Synonym: bareau naturel(p)naked

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