
nut是什么意思 nut在线翻译 nut什么意思 nut的意思 nut的翻译 nut的解释 nut的发音 nut的同义词 nut的反义词 nut的例句 nut的相关词组

nut [nʌt]  [nʌt] 


nut 基本解释


名词螺母,螺帽; 坚果,坚果果仁; 难对付的人; [乐]弓根

动词采坚果; 拾坚果


nut 相关例句


1. nut

1. What a nut he is!

2. nut是什么意思

2. We can crack nuts in the nutcrackers.

3. nut的解释

3. She's a movie nut.

4. nut在线翻译

4. I have a nut to crack with you.

5. She's a film nut.

nut 网络解释

1. 螺母:回到地下室,对阀门(valve),按次序使用小工具(tapper)、螺母(nut)、加长扳手(extended wrench)可以打开阀门了. 将塑造模型(mold)和打火机(lighter)对准摄像机(camera)使用,就会发生剧情. 被oleg带到有巨大电极机器的地方,

2. nut

2. 螺帽:将螺帽(nut)放在柴油机的线圈(coil)上,让它磁化. 进入小屋,在壁炉处,用抹布加上油灯变成饱和的抹布 (saturated rag),用火柴加上油灯,用饱和的抹布搽壁炉内墙,发现有数字!7.5-3-10.5-6 !检查小屋里面的罗盘,SW 、E 、NW、S,

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 弦枕:涂施包会被弦钮槽和弦枕(nut)影响而擦掉漆,所以不要总停留在一个小片. 涂施包要不断覆盖琴头直到你看到虫胶漆开始逐渐均匀地建立厚度. 你可能需要做小一点的涂施包,画小一点的圆来涂装琴头. 你也可以用周全安排的类似擦鞋的方法来涂装.

4. nut:national unionof teachers; 全国教师联盟

5. nut的近义词

5. nut:national union of teachers; 由英国全国教师工会

6. nut:nuclear utilization theory; 被称为核利用理论

nut 词典解释

1. 坚果;坚果仁
    The firm shelled fruit of some trees and bushes are called nuts. Some nuts can be eaten.


    e.g. Nuts and seeds are good sources of vitamin E.

2. 螺母;螺帽
    A nut is a thick metal ring which you screw onto a metal rod called a bolt. Nuts and bolts are used to hold things such as pieces of machinery together.


    e.g. If you want to repair the wheels you just undo the four nuts.
    e.g. ...nuts and bolts that haven't been tightened up.

3. 对…着迷的人;…迷
    If you describe someone as, for example, a football nut or a health nut, you mean that they are extremely enthusiastic about the thing mentioned.

    e.g. ...a football nut who spends thousands of pounds travelling to watch games.

4. 狂热的;执著的
    If you are nuts about something or someone, you like them very much.

    e.g. They're nuts about the car...
    e.g. She's nuts about you.

5. 疯子;狂人
    If you refer to someone as a nut, you mean that they are mad.


    e.g. There's some nut out there with a gun.

6. 发疯的;愚蠢的
    If you say that someone goes nuts or is nuts, you mean that they go crazy or are very foolish.

    e.g. You guys are nuts...
    e.g. A number of the French players went nuts, completely out of control.

7. (一对)睾丸
    A man's testicles can be referred to as his nuts .

8. 脑袋
    Your head can be referred to as your nut .

9. 大发雷霆;极端恼火
    If someone goes nuts, or in British English does their nut, they become extremely angry.


    e.g. My father would go nuts if he saw bruises on me...
    e.g. We heard your sister doing her nut.

10. 具体内容;基本内容
    If you talk about the nuts and bolts of a subject or an activity, you are referring to the detailed practical aspects of it rather than abstract ideas about it.

    e.g. He's more concerned about the nuts and bolts of location work.

11. 难对付的人
      If you think someone is difficult to deal with, you can say they are a tough nut or a hard nut .

      e.g. The Daily Express describes Dr Carey as a pretty tough nut.

12. 棘手的事;难以解决(或理解)的问题
      If you say that something is a hard nut to crack or a tough nut to crack, you mean that it is difficult to do or to understand.

      e.g. Getting out there is in many ways the hardest nut to crack.

nut 单语例句

1. Chardonnay 2006 has lovely nut, butterscotch and vanilla oak weight supporting a zesty palate packed with apple and citrus flavors.

2. The findings are supported by other work which has found that regular nut eating is associated with a significantly reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. The row has led to a suspension of some roasted seed and nut supplies at Carrefour's outlets nationwide.

4. The 2006 Nut Tree Hill sangiovese comes from a separate vineyard near a grove of chestnut trees.

5. The entertainment icon was commonly known as " Fei Fei " or " Happy Nut " for her signature laugh and chubby appearance.

6. How to translate Chinese novels into a foreign language without losing their essence and literary style is still a hard nut to crack.

7. This situation is similar to that confronting many leading international beer producers, with many top global brewers finding the Chinese market a hard nut to crack.

8. I decided to take it on because I felt it would be a hard nut to crack and it would be " chewable ".

9. Runaway lending seems to be a hard nut for policymakers to crack.

10. Deciding which country must take the initiative remains a hard nut to crack.

nut 英英释义


1. a small (usually square or hexagonal) metal block with internal screw thread to be fitted onto a bolt

2. one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens

    e.g. she kicked him in the balls and got away

    Synonym: testistesticleorchisballballockbollockegg

3. someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction

    e.g. a golf addict
           a car nut
           a bodybuilding freak
           a news junkie

    Synonym: addictfreakjunkiejunky

4. a whimsically eccentric person

    Synonym: crackpotcranknut casefruitcakescrewball

5. usually large hard-shelled seed

6. half the width of an em

    Synonym: en


1. gather nuts

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