
occasional是什么意思 occasional在线翻译 occasional什么意思 occasional的意思 occasional的翻译 occasional的解释 occasional的发音 occasional的同义词

occasional [əˈkeɪʒənl]  [əˈkeʒənəl] 

occasional 基本解释

形容词偶尔的,不经常的; 特殊场合的; 临时的

occasional 同义词



occasional 反义词


occasional 相关例句


1. occasional的解释

1. Upon a little occasional table was a tray with breakfast things.

2. She likes an occasional glass of wine.

3. He pays me occasional visits.

4. Occasional music was played at the graduation.

occasional 网络解释

1. 临时的:公司顾客占据了DELL 90%的生意,并且公司用顶级的销售团队来管理公司价值,DELL现在也安装了顾客的软件,并为其商业顾客跟踪他们存货情况,他的努力已经成为其从竞争对手处吸引来了许多巨型的客户,包括Ernst&Young,其在1992年开始从DELL处购买临时的(occasional)电脑.

2. 临时:IAB(internet Architecture Board) 保存了长期以来临时(occasional)活动中心有计划的对Internet网络的一些观点和策略,为Internet体系结构的未来发展提供一些建议.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 偶尔:句子结构方面不但有简单和复杂的句子,而且要富于变化,允许有少数(a few)错误. 八分词汇要求有更写面化的较大的词汇量,能够灵活而流畅的表达,句子结构方面除了七分作文的要求之外还要有精典的句型,偶尔(occasional)有错误.

4. occasional在线翻译

4. 偶然的:occasion 场合;时机 | occasional 偶然的 | occasionally 偶然地

occasional 词典解释

1. 偶尔的;间或的;有时发生的
    Occasional means happening sometimes, but not regularly or often.


    e.g. I've had occasional mild headaches all my life...
    e.g. Esther used to visit him for the occasional days and weekends.

He still misbehaves occasionally...
I'll occasionally go to a local jazz evening with a friend.

occasional 单语例句

1. Officials spend large chunks of their day chatting with visitors about comments and complaints, while also making the occasional house call.

2. The club also hosts occasional overnight hikes, which may involve camping near a remote section of the Great Wall.

3. However, at least one occasional traveler cast doubt on charging service fees.

4. Yang did not give details about these plans but said occasional chartered flights by helicopter to private clubs in nearby provinces started in 2011.

5. Casual glances and occasional chitchat soon turned in to a coffee date.

6. The other recently lost her job cleaning a doctor's office and supports a daughter who gets occasional work cleaning homes.

7. The composer declined somewhat haughtily, saying he was " not accustomed to compose occasional pieces ".

8. This has widely been read as a green light to street vendors, whose constant disputes and occasional clashes with Chengguan officers have raised great social concern.

9. On his aerial traverse he had identified very occasional dark shadows underscoring the Wall's otherwise faint line.

10. Today even those nominated as test or reserve drivers sit idle apart from occasional " straight line " aerodynamic runs and hours in simulators.

occasional 英英释义


1. recurring or reappearing from time to time

    e.g. periodic feelings of anxiety

    Synonym: periodic

2. occurring or appearing at usually irregular intervals

    e.g. episodic in his affections
           occasional headaches

    Synonym: episodic

3. occurring from time to time

    e.g. casual employment
           a casual correspondence with a former teacher
           an occasional worker

    Synonym: casual

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