
part是什么意思 part在线翻译 part什么意思 part的意思 part的翻译 part的解释 part的发音 part的同义词 part的反义词 part的例句 part的相关词组

part [pɑ:t]  [pɑ:rt] 


part 基本解释

名词部分; 零件; 参加; 地区

及物动词使分裂; 拆移; 使分开

不及物动词分开; 分离; 分岔




part 同义词


part 反义词


part 相关词组

1. in part : 部分地;

2. do one's part : 尽自己的职责;

3. bear a part in : 参与;

4. for the most part : 在极大程度上, 多半;

part 相关例句


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The policeman parted the crowd.


1. The crowd parted to let him pass.


1. What part did you play?

2. part的意思

2. Have you learnt your part yet?

3. part

3. Which part do you play?

part 情景对话


B:You’re (doing your part for/ helping/ helping out) the environment by using public transportation, too.



B:From what I've heard, you're already well up in shipping work.

A:Yes, we arrange shipments to any part of the world.


B:You‘re asking too much for this part .

A:we have some cheaper ones .

B:What is the price difference ?

A:The basic model will cost about 10% less .

part 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 部件:外观精致、品质稳定,并提供产品研发(ODM)、加工(OEM)、 部件(Part)业务. 适用范围 多、高层楼道、室内走廊、车库、阳台、卫生间、储藏间、电梯厅 等照明场所,以及换气扇、电风扇、监控等电器的智能控制 配置光源:白炽灯、节能灯、环形管、LED 超节能效果:静态功耗仅0.02W 价格面议,

2. part:program assessment rating tool; 项目评估等级工具

part 词典解释


1. 部分;片段
    A part of something is one of the pieces, sections, or elements that it consists of.


    e.g. I like that part of Cape Town...
    e.g. Respect is a very important part of any relationship.

2. 零件;部件;配件
    A part for a machine or vehicle is one of the smaller pieces that is used to make it.


    e.g. ...spare parts for military equipment...
    e.g. This engine has only got three moving parts.

3. 一些;部分
    Part of something is some of it.


    e.g. It was a very severe accident and he lost part of his foot...
    e.g. Mum and he were able to walk part of the way together...

4. 部分地;半…半…地;既…又…
    If you say that something is part one thing, part another, you mean that it is to some extent the first thing and to some extent the second thing.

    e.g. The television producer today has to be part news person, part educator...
    e.g. Several people looked over the part-Jacobean, part-Georgian building.

5. 份;等分中的一份
    You can use part when you are talking about the proportions of substances in a mixture. For example, if you are told to use five parts water to one part paint, the mixture should contain five times as much water as paint.

    e.g. Use turpentine and linseed oil, three parts to two.

6. 角色
    A part in a play or film is one of the roles in it which an actor or actress can perform.

    e.g. Alf Sjoberg offered her a large part in the play he was directing...
    e.g. He was just right for the part.

7. 作用;份儿;参与
    Your part in something that happens is your involvement in it.


    e.g. If only he could conceal his part in the accident...
    e.g. He felt a sense of relief that his part in this business was now over.

8. 组成部分;成员
    If something or someone is part of a group or organization, they belong to it or are included in it.


    e.g. ...voting on whether to remain part of the Union or become independent...
    e.g. I was a part of the team and wanted to remain a part of the team.

9. (头发的)分缝
    The part in someone's hair is the line running from the front to the back of their head where their hair lies in different directions.

    e.g. The straight white part in her ebony hair seemed to divide the back of her head in half.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 parting

10. see also: private parts

11. 在…中起作用
      If something or someone plays a large or important part in an event or situation, they are very involved in it and have an important effect on what happens.

      e.g. These days work plays an important part in a single woman's life...
      e.g. We believe she may have played a part in hiding the cash.

12. 参加;参与
      If you take part in an activity, you do it together with other people.

      e.g. Thousands of students have taken part in demonstrations.

13. 不愿参与;不愿介入
      If you say that you want no part of something, you mean that you do not want to be involved in it at all.

      e.g. What some other clubs do is unfortunate, but we want no part of it.

14. 在(某人)看来;就(某人)而言
      When you are describing people's thoughts or actions, you can say for her part or for my part, for example, to introduce what a particular person thinks or does.


      e.g. For my part, I feel elated and close to tears...
      e.g. The soldiers, for their part, agreed not to disrupt the election campaign.

15. 由某人作出的
      If you talk about a feeling or action on someone's part, you are referring to something that they feel or do.

      e.g. ...techniques on their part to keep us from knowing exactly what's going on...
      e.g. There is no need for any further instructions on my part...

16. 大部分;多半;通常
      For the most part means mostly or usually.


      e.g. For the most part the Germans kept out of local disputes...
      e.g. Professors, for the most part, are firmly committed to teaching, not research.

17. 在某种程度上;部分地
      You use in part to indicate that something exists or happens to some extent but not completely.

      e.g. The levels of blood glucose depend in part on what you eat and when you eat...
      e.g. In part this attitude was due to fear of trade union and employee reactions.

18. 绝大部分;多数
      If you say that something happened for the best part or the better part of a period of time, you mean that it happened for most of that time.


      e.g. He had been in Israel for the best part of twenty-four hours...
      e.g. We spent the better part of an hour searching for her.

19. part and parcel -> see parcel

动词用法(VERB USE)

1. 分;分开
    If things that are next to each other part or if you part them, they move in opposite directions, so that there is a space between them.

    e.g. Her lips parted as if she were about to take a deep breath...
    e.g. He crossed to the window of the sitting-room and parted the curtains.

2. 给(头发) 分缝
    If you part your hair in the middle or at one side, you make it lie in two different directions so that there is a straight line running from the front of your head to the back.


    e.g. Picking up a brush, Joanna parted her hair...
    e.g. His hair was slicked back and neatly parted.

3. 分手;告别;别离
    When two people part, or if one person parts from another, they leave each other.

    e.g. He gave me the envelope and we parted...
    e.g. He has confirmed he is parting from his Swedish-born wife Eva.

4. 分开;拆散
    If you are parted from someone you love, you are prevented from being with them.

    e.g. I don't believe Lotte and I will ever be parted...
    e.g. A stay in hospital may be the first time a child is ever parted from its parents.

5. see also: parting
    to part company -> see company

相关词组:part with

part 单语例句

1. For big companies, outsourcing part of their manufacturing business can help cut costs and improve efficiency.

2. But building tracks that can carry the same trains across multiple countries is only part of the problem.

3. She expects the domestic business will grow further next year because it is still a very small part of the firm's total trade.

4. The most profitable part of Huang's business is working with banks.

5. " The hardest part for foreigners to run a business in China is the language, " he said.

6. To act such a complicated part is like grasping a handful of sand.

7. Obama describes the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act as part of a plan to solve the country's economic ills.

8. Growth was also boosted by the company's truck and van business, which had another strong quarter thanks in part to North American demand.

9. Yet her devotion to one social network is not an act of sentimentality - it's part of a careful strategy for combating social media burnout.

10. The main part of his act saw him appear on stage with a vacuum cleaner attached to his member through a special attachment.

part 英英释义


1. the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group

    e.g. the function of a teacher
           the government must do its part
           play its role

    Synonym: functionofficerole

2. the part played by a person in bringing about a result

    e.g. I am proud of my contribution in advancing the project
           they all did their share of the work

    Synonym: contributionshare

3. something less than the whole of a human artifact

    e.g. the rear part of the house
           glue the two parts together

    Synonym: portion

4. a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions

    e.g. his part was right in the middle

    Synonym: parting

5. that which concerns a person with regard to a particular role or situation

    e.g. it requires vigilance on our part
           they resisted every effort on his part

6. one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole

    e.g. the written part of the exam
           the finance section of the company
           the BBC's engineering division

    Synonym: sectiondivision

7. an actor's portrayal of someone in a play

    e.g. she played the part of Desdemona

    Synonym: characterroletheatrical rolepersona

8. the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music

    e.g. he tried to sing the tenor part

    Synonym: voice

9. the extended spatial location of something

    e.g. the farming regions of France
           religions in all parts of the world
           regions of outer space

    Synonym: region

10. a portion of a natural object

    e.g. they analyzed the river into three parts
           he needed a piece of granite

    Synonym: piece

11. assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group

      e.g. he wanted his share in cash

      Synonym: shareportionpercentage

12. something determined in relation to something that includes it

      e.g. he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself
             I read a portion of the manuscript
             the smaller component is hard to reach
             the animal constituent of plankton

      Synonym: portioncomponent partcomponentconstituent


1. force, take, or pull apart

    e.g. He separated the fighting children
           Moses parted the Red Sea

    Synonym: separatedisunitedivide

2. come apart

    e.g. The two pieces that we had glued separated

    Synonym: separatedivide

3. leave

    e.g. The family took off for Florida

    Synonym: departstartstart outset forthset offset outtake off

4. go one's own way
    move apart

    e.g. The friends separated after the party

    Synonym: separatesplit

5. discontinue an association or relation
    go different ways

    e.g. The business partners broke over a tax question
           The couple separated after 25 years of marriage
           My friend and I split up

    Synonym: separatesplit upsplitbreakbreak up



1. in part
    in some degree
    not wholly

    e.g. I felt partly to blame
           He was partially paralyzed

    Synonym: partiallypartly

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