
whole是什么意思 whole在线翻译 whole什么意思 whole的意思 whole的翻译 whole的解释 whole的发音 whole的同义词 whole的反义词 whole的例句

whole [həʊl]  [hoʊl] 


whole 基本解释

形容词完整的; 全部的,所有的

名词全部; 整体,整个

whole 同义词


whole 反义词


whole 相关词组

1. on the whole : 大体上;

2. as a whole : 总体上;

whole 相关例句


1. Whole cities were destroyed by the earthquake.

2. He was surprised to find himself whole after the car accident.

3. He spent two whole years writing the novel.


1. whole的意思

1. The whole of Spain was jubilant.

2. Nature is a whole.

whole 情景对话


B:We have a problem with your order .


A:What is it ?

B:We can‘t split open a case to fill your order .

A:I‘ll see if we can take the whole case .



A:Yelling to Rose) Rose, Don and I are going to buy some drinks.

B:(Quietly to Sue) Rose and Herb are from the Dark Ages!

A:I've never seen two people who are so nervous when together.

B:This is going to be a major disaster.

A:You're right. They won't say a word to each other...

B:...the whole evening.

A:They won't get together, ever.


A:Why do you want to go to U.K.?


B:I want to study for a doctorate.

A:How long do you intend to stay in U.K.?

B:About two years.


A:Does your scholarship cover the whole two years?


B:Yes, it does.

A:Where will you live?


B:I hope to live on the university campus. I have a letter here from my professor about accommodation.

A:May I have a look? Thanks. Is your family going with you?

B:Oh, no, I am going alone.

whole 词典解释

1. 全部;整体
    If you refer to the whole of something, you mean all of it.

    e.g. He has said he will make an apology to the whole of Asia for his country's past behaviour...
    e.g. I was cold throughout the whole of my body.

2. (包含几个不同部分的)整体
    A whole is a single thing which contains several different parts.


    e.g. An atom itself is a complete whole, with its electrons, protons and neutrons and other elements...
    e.g. Taken as a percentage of the whole, the mouth has to be a fairly minor body part.

3. 完好的;完整的
    If something is whole, it is in one piece and is not broken or damaged.

    e.g. Much of the temple was ruined, but the front was whole, as well as a large hall behind it...
    e.g. I struck the glass with my fist with all my might; yet it remained whole...

4. (表示强调)完全地
    You use whole to emphasize what you are saying.


    e.g. It was like seeing a whole different side of somebody...
    e.g. His father had helped invent a whole new way of doing business.

Whole is often used to mean the same as all but when used in front of plurals, whole and all have different meanings. For example, if you say 'Whole buildings have been destroyed', you mean that some buildings have been destroyed completely. If you say 'All the buildings have been destroyed', you mean that every building has been destroyed.
whole 和 all 通常意义相同,但当用在名词复数前时意义不同。例如,Whole buildings have been destroyed 意思是一些大楼被整栋摧毁了。而 All the buildings have been destroyed 意思是所有建筑物都被摧毁了。

5. 整体而言;总体上
    If you refer to something as a whole, you are referring to it generally and as a single unit.

    e.g. He described the move as a victory for the people of South Africa as a whole...
    e.g. As a whole we do not eat enough fibre in Britain.

6. 大体上说;总的说来
    You use on the whole to indicate that what you are saying is true in general but may not be true in every case, or that you are giving a general opinion or summary of something.


    e.g. On the whole, people miss the opportunity to enjoy leisure...
    e.g. The wine towns encountered are, on the whole, quiet and modest.

whole 单语例句

1. Analysts from Analysys International also said that the failure of Best Buy's business model in China is not good for the industry as a whole.

2. However, he fears that the language teaching business as a whole has started to ossify.

3. It is best to set aside a whole day to admire the many statues and bas reliefs.

4. The palatial space was decorated top to bottom by a Singapore design crew, and there is a stately silence about the whole place.

5. By night, light sources inside each rod allow the whole building to glow.

6. " The whole house really rattled, " she told Reuters by telephone.

7. By the way, my husband and my whole family supported my return.

8. Reports on trading for the whole of 2006 should also be submitted by then, it said.

9. " I was embarrassed by this movie my whole life, " Stephenson says.

10. By this time a waiter had walked in with a trolley with the whole duck served on a tray.

whole 英英释义



1. an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity

    e.g. how big is that part compared to the whole?
           the team is a unit

    Synonym: unit

2. all of something including all its component elements or parts

    e.g. Europe considered as a whole
           the whole of American literature



1. including all components without exception
    being one unit or constituting the full amount or extent or duration

    e.g. gave his whole attention
           a whole wardrobe for the tropics
           the whole hog
           a whole week
           the baby cried the whole trip home
           a whole loaf of bread

2. (of siblings) having the same parents

    e.g. whole brothers and sisters

3. acting together as a single undiversified whole

    e.g. a solid voting bloc

    Synonym: solidunanimous

4. exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health

    e.g. hale and hearty
           whole in mind and body
           a whole person again

    Synonym: hale

5. not injured

    Synonym: unharmedunhurtunscathed


1. to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly')

    e.g. he was wholly convinced
           entirely satisfied with the meal
           it was completely different from what we expected
           was completely at fault
           a totally new situation
           the directions were all wrong
           it was not altogether her fault
           an altogether new approach
           a whole new idea

    Synonym: whollyentirelycompletelytotallyallaltogether

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