
outbound是什么意思 outbound在线翻译 outbound什么意思 outbound的意思 outbound的翻译 outbound的解释 outbound的发音 outbound的同义词

outbound [ˈaʊtbaʊnd]  [ˈaʊtˌbaʊnd] 

outbound 基本解释


outbound 反义词



outbound 网络解释

1. 外传:它发射一个大的外传(outbound)载波给远端站来接收,并接收从远端站发射的多通道单载波(..SkyMesh 2000: SkyMesh 2000根据先进的多通道单载波(MCPC)及分包多路接取(PDMA)技术,提供从远端站到主站及远端站之间的网状拓朴网路通讯.

2. 背台:举个例子,常见的精密进近是仪表着陆系统,仪表着陆系统中LOC和GS两个信号分别为飞机提供水平方向和垂直方向的指引,而飞精密进近如NDB或VOR则只提供向台(inbound)或背台(outbound)航道指引.

3. outbound的解释

3. 出站:MPOA 采用点对点路由选择取代了多跳(Multi-Hop)路由选择. 入口边缘设备或主机被定义为入站(Inbound)流进入 MPOA 系统的点;出口边缘设备或主机被定义为出站(Outbound)流退出 MPOA 系统的点.

4. 流出:Juniper的带宽控制分别限制流入(Inbound)和流出(Outbound)的数据,Outbound的带宽控制针对和维护数据的优先级别,Inbound的带宽控制也十分重要,例如确保Internet进来的数据不会占用企业关键应用等.

outbound 词典解释

1. (航班)离港的
    An outbound flight is one that is leaving or about to leave a particular place.


outbound 单语例句

1. China is one of the many emerging economies in Asia and South America where outbound tourism is growing by leaps and bounds.

2. The authorities will also expand channels for outbound capital investment and gradually realize the full convertibility of the yuan under the capital account.

3. But while Chinese companies'enthusiasm for purchasing overseas assets is rising, the actual level of outbound investment is still small.

4. With an increasing number of companies going out, it is essential that the overall outbound investment strategy is changed.

5. The supervision centre will facilitate customs clearance of inbound and outbound express parcels and meet international standards in the logistics service sector.

6. FedEx established its presence on the mainland in 1984 by using commercial airlines to provide outbound express service.

7. China as a whole should also consolidate relevant legislation and simplify administrative procedures to create a more favourable environment for both inbound and outbound investments.

8. The country should also promote the yuan's use in project contracting, labor export and outbound international assistance in a bid to increase its international reputation.

9. SAFE also said it would establish a risk control mechanism to monitor these outbound investments and ensure the money was being properly used.

10. China needs to loosen controls on outbound investment and gradually make the yuan fully convertible, the chief currency regulator said in remarks published yesterday.

outbound 英英释义


1. that is going out or leaving

    e.g. the departing train
           an outward journey
           outward-bound ships

    Synonym: outwardoutward-bound

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