
outrageous是什么意思 outrageous在线翻译 outrageous什么意思 outrageous的意思 outrageous的翻译 outrageous的解释 outrageous的发音 outrageous的同义词

outrageous [aʊtˈreɪdʒəs]  [aʊtˈredʒəs] 

比较级:more outrageous最高级:most outrageous

outrageous 基本解释

形容词粗暴的; 无法容忍的; 反常的; 令人惊讶的

outrageous 相关例句


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. The princess spent an outrageous amount on clothes.

outrageous 网络解释

1. 肆无忌惮:这个强势的制作组合,为布兰妮量身打造了<<中你的毒>>(Toxic)、<<呛音乐>>(Me Against The Music)及<<肆无忌惮>>(Outrageous)等畅销单曲. 音乐上展现了全新的面貌,也更展现了布兰妮超级性感的魅力. 这张专辑充满了舞曲曲风、嘻哈风味、以及未来感.

2. outrageous的翻译

2. 不得了:Marverllous!-棒极了! | Outrageous!-不得了! | Please!-拜托了!

3. 得了:44. Oops! 哎呀! | 45. Outrageous! 得了! | 46.Probably! 可能.

4. 骇人:6 Toxic 有毒 | 7 Outrageous 骇人 | 8 Touch Of My Hand 我的手的触摸

outrageous 词典解释

1. 令人无法容忍的;骇人的
    If you describe something as outrageous, you are emphasizing that it is unacceptable or very shocking.

    e.g. I must apologise for my outrageous behaviour...
    e.g. Charges for local telephone calls are particularly outrageous.

Car-parks are few, crammed, and outrageously expensive...
She flirted with him outrageously at times.

outrageous 单语例句

1. That's pretty outrageous punishment, but what if her parents had different hobbies?

2. The most outrageous example is Minority Report when it first came out in 2002.

3. They have totally shamed their ancestors with such outrageous notions and deserve serious condemnation by the great majority of Hong Kong residents.

4. Observers say confiscation of the reunion center will be especially outrageous for Seoul, which considers issues of separated families a humanitarian challenge.

5. While women should defend their right to dress, unconventional or outrageous dressing in public could send a signal the subject may not intend.

6. The virus of the wax fruit had a vehement force and we did something outrageous for a DINK family with low income.

7. Keeping the public in the dark about how their tax yuans are disposed of is outrageous.

8. It is outrageous that 65 years after Japan's aggression against China ended, such deadly weapons are still threatening human life and the environment in China.

9. " This outrageous use of violence to quell protests must come to an end now, " he said in a statement.

10. Miu Miu showcased extravagant shoes with exquisite gold handles on the heels, while Marc Jacobs presented his outrageous pumps with their own unique heels.

outrageous 英英释义


1. greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation

    e.g. exorbitant rent
           extortionate prices
           spends an outrageous amount on entertainment
           usurious interest rate
           unconscionable spending

    Synonym: exorbitantextortionatesteepunconscionableusurious

2. grossly offensive to decency or morality
    causing horror

    e.g. subjected to outrageous cruelty
           a hideous pattern of injustice
           horrific conditions in the mining industry

    Synonym: hideoushorridhorrific

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