
overlapping是什么意思 overlapping在线翻译 overlapping什么意思 overlapping的意思 overlapping的翻译 overlapping的解释 overlapping的发音

overlapping [əʊvə'læpɪŋ]  [oʊvə'læpɪŋ] 


overlapping 基本解释


动词交叠; 部分重叠( overlap的现在分词 ); (物体)部份重叠; (时间上)部份重叠

overlapping 网络解释

1. overlapping

1. 重叠的:为了要哄出这种难以捉摸的、连结太阳与地球的机制,这个研究团队需要三套电脑模型,对气候系统提供重叠的(overlapping)观点. 现场还将留出15分钟抢先观看<>:这是一个新生的多媒体科普互动教育软件,

2. 重迭:事实上,为了防止频带重迭(Overlapping)会使影像模糊,所以在频带间都留有适当的间隔,因此其正能传送的频道将少于50个. 这些被分割好的频带,将声音及影像讯号传送出去之后,收讯的地方如果将此讯号全部接收,则各频道的讯号将会混杂在一起,

overlapping 单语例句

1. On both sides of the overlapping pedestrian lanes, there are shops selling traditional Fujian lacquer handicrafts and Chinese paintings.

2. To solve the problem of overlapping and redundant certifications, it will be necessary to wipe the slate clean.

3. The cliffy and steep mountain rises along the coastal line, with huge rocks overlapping.

4. Many of the regulations are overlapping or contradict each other, since multiple government agencies were given the responsibility of compiling their own standards years ago.

5. We will implement a responsibility system for enforcement of administrative laws and put a stop to overlapping jurisdiction and unfair practices in law enforcement.

6. The constant growth and development of multinational corporations greatly spurs the overlapping and fusion of all countries'interests and significantly accelerates economic globalization.

7. Huang says the thread that ties together the overlapping topics of sports, sex and style is that sports offer a healthy lifestyle everyone should adopt.

8. Several overlapping regional groupings throughout the continent are trying to knit their economies closer together, but the pace and extent of integration is slower than hoped.

9. There may be disputes on sovereignty over the overlapping waters off the continental shelf between a country or countries ringing the South China Sea.

10. Swaine noted that the United States and China have " cooperative, convergent and overlapping interests " in many areas.

overlapping 英英释义



1. covering with a design in which one element covers a part of another (as with tiles or shingles)

    Synonym: imbricationlapping

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