
overtime是什么意思 overtime在线翻译 overtime什么意思 overtime的意思 overtime的翻译 overtime的解释 overtime的发音 overtime的同义词

overtime [ˈəʊvətaɪm]  [ˈoʊvərtaɪm] 

overtime 基本解释

名词加班; 加班费; 加时赛; 超出的时间,额外的时间

副词超时地; 加班地

动词使历时过久; 使(曝光等)超过时间

overtime 相关例句


1. The employees were expected to work overtime.


1. They were paid extra for overtime.

2. The game went into overtime.

overtime 情景对话


A:You look (tired/ exhausted/ busy).

B:Yeah, I’ve been working so much overtime lately.



A:Are you working overtime tonight?

B:Unfortunately, yes! There’s a lot of work piled up on my desk.
      很遗憾,要加班! 瞧我桌上堆了一堆的事儿。


A:I feel sorry for you.

A Successful Story-(成功故事)


A:You look tired. *

B:Yeah, I’ve been working so much overtime lately.


A:Really? How come?

B:My boss gave me a big project. I had to have it finished it by this morning. It was so difficult!

A:You shouldn’t work so hard.

B:I know. But hard work pays off, you know.

A:What do you mean?


B:Maybe now I’ll get that promotion I was hoping for.

overtime 网络解释

1. (延长赛):这时的我实在超亢奋,没想到第一次看 NBA,就能看到不常见的延长赛 ( OverTime)运!因为会进入延长赛,代表两队比赛很激烈,是场很好看的比赛!进入延长赛后,尼克始终保持领先(延长赛为五分钟),终场前8秒,尼克还领先三分,眼看胜利就要到手,

2. 超时工作:假如人客有其他额外收入,例如超时工作 (OVERTIME)、花红 (BONUSES)、汽车津贴(CAR ALLOWANCES) 或其它形式的津贴, 也必须写在工作信上. 贷款机构一般会要求人客出示最近期之工资单,查看是否跟工作信 (JOB LETTER) 吻合. 答: 时薪人士,

3. 加时赛:out of bound 球出界线 | overtime 加时赛 | referee 裁判

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. overtime:ot.; 决胜期

overtime 词典解释

1. 加班;加班时间
    Overtime is time that you spend doing your job in addition to your normal working hours.

    e.g. He would work overtime, without pay, to finish a job...
    e.g. Union leaders had urged miners to vote in favour of an overtime ban.

2. 投入全力;热情高涨
    If you say that someone is working overtime to do something, you mean that they are using a lot of energy, effort, or enthusiasm trying to do it.

    e.g. We had to battle very hard and our defence worked overtime to keep us in the game...
    e.g. She works overtime with her vacuum cleaner to keep grit out of the kitchen.

3. (体育比赛中为决胜负而延长的)加时赛
    Overtime is an additional period of time that is added to the end of a sports match in which the two teams are level, as a way of allowing one of the teams to win.

    e.g. Denver had won the championship by defeating the Cleveland Browns 23-20 in overtime.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 extra time

overtime 单语例句


1. McGrady missed a desperation jumper at the buzzer, sending the game to overtime.

2. The organization said salaries of workers who refuse to work overtime are cut by 100 yuan to 200 yuan for each absence.

3. Manufacturers could calculate working hours by the month or by the quarter so that overtime at busy periods could be offset during slowdown.

4. The game only went to overtime because Cable called a late timeout that negated Jay Feely's missed field goal at the end of regulation.

5. But key lawmakers were reluctant to call it quits and bargained into overtime Thursday on the legislation before all issues were reported settled.

6. She lifted her own very simple very basic cell phone to call home, to let her family know she'd be working overtime that night.

7. Courtney worked overtime and tapped into his retirement account to try to catch up with two loans on his home.

8. He always works overtime to catch up and his persistence has made a deep impression on his teachers.

9. According to research by the Development Research Centre under the State Council, most migrant workers do a lot of overtime without earning anything extra.

10. He would not reveal the charge for the " overtime care " but explained many parents are happy to pay so they can have a " comfortable holiday ".

overtime 英英释义


1. work done in addition to regular working hours

2. playing time beyond regulation, to break a tie

    Synonym: extra time


1. beyond the regular time

    e.g. she often has to work overtime

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