
pair是什么意思 pair在线翻译 pair什么意思 pair的意思 pair的翻译 pair的解释 pair的发音 pair的同义词 pair的反义词 pair的例句 pair的相关词组

pair [peə(r)]  [per] 


pair 基本解释

名词一副; 一对男女; 套在一起的两匹马; 雌雄成对的动物



pair 相关词组


1. pair off : 成对而去, 分成一对一对;

2. pair off with : 同...结婚;


pair 相关例句


1. pair什么意思

1. We tried to pair Mary and Robert off.


1. pair的意思

1. Birds often pair for life.


1. That pair are always quarreling.

2. pair

2. Two more pairs of trousers are dirty.

3. The happy pair is / are going to Geneva after their wedding.

pair 情景对话


A:I would like to return this pair of shoes.

B:Do you have a sales slip?

A:Oh, here you are.

B:Sorry, things on sale are not allowed to be refunded or exchanged.


A:Oh, But this pair of shoes are a bit too tight. Could I change them for something bigger.

B:All right. Wait a minute.

Sales-((折扣) 出售)

B:There’s a big sale on clothes and sporting goods at Riverside Mall.


A:Sporting goods? Is that bike Tim wanted on sale?


B:Yeah, it’s 30 percent off the regular price.

A:Well, maybe we could get it now and hide it until his birthday.

B:Yeah, it’s a couple weeks away, and we don’t have anything yet.


A:Don’t buy him underwear again. He hates that.

B:I know, I know, but if I didn’t buy it for him, he’d never buy it.

A:See anything else we need there?

B:Well, all shoes are 20 percent off.

A:Shoes? You already have a closet full of shoes.

B:I know, but another pair can’t hurt.

A:Oh, all right. I need some new shirts, too. Let’s go after breakfast.


A:What do you think about this dress, Geoff?

B:I like the pattern, but I’m not sure I like the red on you.

A:Do you think it fits?

B:Very nicely.


A:Would you go to check if they have the same dress in blue, then? You can just bring it back to the fitting room.



A:One more thing, what do you think about these pants? Do you think they would need hemming?


B:No, I think they’re the right length.


A:Do you like the pattern? I just can’t decide between the plain or the striped ones. What do you think?

B:I like plain clothes myself, but they both look fine on you. Which ones do you like more?

A:I think I’ll go for the striped pair of pants, then.


B:Good decision. I’ll just go and look for that dress then.

A:Thanks dear.

pair 网络解释

1. 双:如磅(Pound)吨(Ton)千克(Kilogram)克(Gram)公担(Quintal)盎司(Ounce)公吨(Metric Ton)数量单位:大多数工具成品,尤其是日用消费品、轻工业品、机械产品及部分土特产,如件(Piece)双(Pair)套(Set)打(Dozen)箩(Gross)卷(Roll)长度单位:一般布匹、电线电缆、丝绸等的交易常用,

2. 一对:如※ 一对(Pair) 一对牌加三张散牌. 如※ 高点数牌 (High Hand) 不是以上9种情况的,则比较手上最大的牌,若相同,则比较第二大的牌,其次类推. 9 - 限注游戏(Limit) 每个牌局都有一个指定的注限. 注限的高低决定盲注的大小.

3. pair的意思

3. 对:一个画素数据24位(R、G、B各8位),加上2位同步信号与4位控制数据,变成30位再经过编码处理后,转换成三频(channel)10位 serial数字信号,三频信号依照画素频率(pixel clock)以4对(pair)差动信号传输时称为single ring(图67).

pair 词典解释

1. 双;对;副
    A pair of things are two things of the same size and shape that are used together or are both part of something, for example shoes, earrings, or parts of the body.


    e.g. ...a pair of socks.
    e.g. ...trainers that cost up to 90 pounds a pair...

2. 套,条,把,副(由两个尺寸和形状相同的部分组成的物品,如裤子、剪刀)
    Some objects that have two main parts of the same size and shape are referred to as a pair, for example a pair of trousers or a pair of scissors .

    e.g. ...a pair of faded jeans.
    e.g. ...a pair of binoculars.

3. 一对伴儿;一对夫妻;一对情侣
    You can refer to two people as a pair when they are standing or walking together or when they have some kind of relationship with each other.

    e.g. A pair of teenage boys were smoking cigarettes...
    e.g. The pair admitted that their three-year-old marriage was going through 'a difficult time'...

4. 使配对;使配成搭档
    If one thing is paired with another, it is put with it or considered with it.

    e.g. The trainees will then be paired with experienced managers.

...the pairing of these two fine musicians.

5. see also: au pair

The noun pair can take either a singular verb or a plural verb, depending on whether it refers to one thing seen as a unit or a collection of two things or people. A good, supportive and protective pair of trainers is essential… The pair are still friends and attend functions together.
pair作名词时,其后跟动词的单数还是复数形式取决于所指的是看作一个整体的一件东西,还是两个事物或人的组合:A good, supportive and protective pair of trainers is essential...(一双兼具支撑性和保护性的好的运动鞋是必不可少的),The pair are still friends and attend functions together(他们俩依然是朋友,仍一起出席一些社交活动)。

6. 可靠的好帮手;可以委托的人
    If you say that someone is or has a safe pair of hands, you mean that they are reliable and will not make any serious mistakes.

    e.g. He has now held five cabinet posts and remains a safe pair of hands.

相关词组:pair offpair up

pair 单语例句

1. The pair will be charged under South Africa's Marine Living Resources Act for bribery and for being in possession of a protected species.

2. Cheryl is also allegedly determined to keep the pair's Chihuahua dogs Coco and Buster.

3. Pair it with a buttery yellow green glass of Riesling and it's a marriage made in culinary heaven.

4. When a pair was eventually found, the by now quite substantial crowd erupted in spontaneous applause.

5. The video of the pair kissing and hugging was seen by thousands online this month.

6. A female cadet accused a male cadet of secretly filming the pair having sex and showing it to his friends via the Internet.

7. The combination of Fu Haifeng's power with his regular partner Cai Yun's speed enabled the pair to become world's leading men's doubles teams since 2004.

8. The pair started quarreling during the call and agreed to " address their problem " at an Internet caf.

9. After making an emergency call, the injured pair helped each other downstairs and waited together for the ambulance.

10. The pair are " devastated " about their separation and are waiting for the situation to calm down before they discuss custody arrangements and divorce.

pair 英英释义



1. a poker hand with 2 cards of the same value

2. two people considered as a unit

3. a set of two similar things considered as a unit

    Synonym: brace

4. two items of the same kind

    Synonym: coupletwosometwainbracespanyokecoupletdistichduoduetdyadduad



1. bring two objects, ideas, or people together

    e.g. This fact is coupled to the other one
           Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?
           The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project

    Synonym: matchmatecoupletwin

2. engage in sexual intercourse

    e.g. Birds mate in the Spring

    Synonym: copulatematecouple

3. arrange in pairs

    e.g. Pair these numbers

    Synonym: geminate

4. occur in pairs

    Synonym: geminate

5. form a pair or pairs

    e.g. The two old friends paired off

    Synonym: pair offpartner offcouple

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