
performance是什么意思 performance在线翻译 performance什么意思 performance的意思 performance的翻译 performance的解释 performance的发音

performance [pəˈfɔ:məns]  [pərˈfɔ:rməns] 


performance 基本解释

名词表现; 表演; 演技; 执行

performance 情景对话



A:Hi, Bob! We’ve been working hard at our lessons for a fortnight. So why don’t we take it easy his weekend?

B:Okay! What do you suggest?


A:How about seeing a play? I hear Hamlet is on at the National Theater.
      去看一场戏怎么样? 我听说国家剧场在上演《哈姆雷特》。

B:Is that so? Why not?

A:(Looking at a newspaper.) Oh, dear me! There’s no performance at the National theater this weekend. So we have to go to cinema instead.

B:What’s on?


A:Let me see…um, Gone With the Wind. It is on at six cinemas on Saturday night.

B:That sounds interesting. Which is the nearest?

A:Ah, The Royal, I think.

B:What time does it start?

A:Why don’t we go to the 7:30 show? It is convenient to us, I think.
      我们可以去看7:30 那一场好吗?我想时间很合适。

B:But we won’t have enough time for dinner.

A:Do you want to go the earlier or the later show?


B:Ah… I fancy going the later show.

A:Then, there’s the 9:30 show.
      那就看9:30 那一场吧。

B:That’s Okay, I think.

A:All right.

performance 词典解释

1. 表演;演出
    A performance involves entertaining an audience by doing something such as singing, dancing, or acting.


    e.g. Inside the theatre, they were giving a performance of Bizet's Carmen.
    e.g. ...her performance as the betrayed Medea...

2. 表现;业绩;性能;运行情况
    Someone's or something's performance is how successful they are or how well they do something.


    e.g. That study looked at the performance of 18 surgeons...
    e.g. The poor performance has been blamed on the recession and cheaper sports car imports...

3. (汽车的)性能
    A car's performance is its ability to go fast and to increase its speed quickly.


4. 性能卓越的;高性能的
    A performance car is one that can go very fast and can increase its speed very quickly.

5. 执行;履行;做
    The performance of a task is the fact or action of doing it.

    e.g. He devoted in excess of seventy hours a week to the performance of his duties...
    e.g. The people believe that the performance of this ritual is the will of the Great Spirit.

6. 复杂的事情;麻烦事
    You can describe something that is or looks complicated or difficult to do as a performance .

    e.g. The whole process is quite a performance...
    e.g. She made a big performance of sprinkling all the spices on.

7. a repeat performance -> see repeat

performance 单语例句

1. Insiders suggest Joyo's senior company officials are quite optimistic about their business prospects, and they are reportedly satisfied with the firm's excellent performance last year.

2. The award honors contributions in the business sector to sustainable water management, improved performance in production processes and innovative approaches in technologies.

3. Lanxess'business segments include performance polymers, advanced intermediates and performance chemicals.

4. He told China Business Weekly that investors are becoming more rational, but the investment value of China's listed companies are fading and their performance declining.

5. Although Wuliangye said it expected the price rise to affect its business this year, analysts are optimistic about the company's performance in 2010.

6. Violinist Chai will also give a solo performance of Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto.

7. " We've been pretty close in performance, " added Butterworth.

8. Huang was criticized by many for his " hysterical " performance in favour of Italy.

9. The performance of a penetration seal is largely determined by how well it fits an opening and how well it accommodates cables and pipes.

10. The US Dollar Index measures the performance of the US dollar against a basket of currencies.

performance 英英释义



1. any recognized accomplishment

    e.g. they admired his performance under stress
           when Roger Maris powered four home runs in one game his performance merits awe

2. the act of performing
    of doing something successfully
    using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it

    e.g. they criticised his performance as mayor
           experience generally improves performance

    Synonym: executioncarrying outcarrying into action

3. the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment

    e.g. we congratulated him on his performance at the rehearsal
           an inspired performance of Mozart's C minor concerto

4. a dramatic or musical entertainment

    e.g. they listened to ten different performances
           the play ran for 100 performances
           the frequent performances of the symphony testify to its popularity

    Synonym: public presentation

5. process or manner of functioning or operating

    e.g. the power of its engine determines its operation
           the plane's operation in high winds
           they compared the cooking performance of each oven
           the jet's performance conformed to high standards

    Synonym: operationfunctioning

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