
pertinent是什么意思 pertinent在线翻译 pertinent什么意思 pertinent的意思 pertinent的翻译 pertinent的解释 pertinent的发音 pertinent的同义词

pertinent [ˈpɜ:tɪnənt]  [ˈpɜ:rtnənt] 

pertinent 基本解释


形容词有关的,相干的; 恰当的,中肯的; 关于…的; 切题的

pertinent 反义词


pertinent 相关例句


1. pertinent

1. He raised several pertinent questions.

2. The lawyer wanted to know all the details pertinent to the case.

3. pertinent的近义词

3. It might be pertinent for you to make the suggestion to the president.

pertinent 网络解释

1. 中肯的:在停止治疗的消极行为和开出致死处方的积极行为之间是不是存在道德上的中肯的(pertinent)区别?*为什么政府需要给言论自由提供特别的保护?顽固分子以污辱性和挑衅性的语词攻击少数种族是不是也在这个自由之内?

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 适当的:所以如果取得适当的(pertinent)签证,「不一定」会因此丧失绿卡. 但这位律师完全没提到何谓「适当的」签证为何,所谓的「不一定」又是指哪些状况. 他也可能忘了,台美断交发生在马英九回国前. 马英九不可能用任何官方身份入境美国.

3. pertinent的近义词

3. 适当,有关的:pertinacious 执拗,固执的 | pertinent 适当,有关的 | perturb 使心烦意乱,扰乱

pertinent 词典解释

1. 有关的;相关的
    Something that is pertinent is relevant to a particular subject.


    e.g. She had asked some pertinent questions...
    e.g. Pertinent information will be forwarded to the appropriate party.

'If we pay players, how far do we go?' Gresson asked pertinently...
Where had they learned all this, or, more pertinently, why had they remembered it?
I do not see the pertinence of most of this material.

pertinent 单语例句

1. It is a fair and pertinent evaluation of the role of the floating population in our society.

2. With Hong Kong just one of many economies suffering from the financial tsunami, corporate social responsibility raises some pertinent questions.

3. The interpretation elaborates on the contents of the pertinent part of the Criminal Law.

4. All the activities of an equity joint venture shall be governed by the laws, decrees and pertinent rules and regulations of the People's Republic of China.

5. One reason that these questions failed to steal the limelight is that so many other issues were deemed more pertinent to the ongoing financial crisis.

6. The stories are written in lyrical and quiet prose, highlighted by many classical verses in pertinent places.

7. The Overseas Chinese Union Cadres of Ruzhou attended a lecture discussing pertinent social issues.

8. The trend is even more pertinent, considering yesterday was World Book and Copyright Day.

9. Each country will present an original pavilion where tourists can enjoy arts, dance and exhibitions pertinent to that country and its culture.

10. The lawyers are relieved that at least the lawsuit has helped reveal pertinent facts to the Japanese courts and public.

pertinent 英英释义


1. being of striking appropriateness and pertinence

    e.g. the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images
           an apt reply

    Synonym: appositeapt

2. having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand

    e.g. a list of articles pertinent to the discussion
           remarks that were to the point

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