
pew是什么意思 pew在线翻译 pew什么意思 pew的意思 pew的翻译 pew的解释 pew的发音 pew的同义词 pew的反义词 pew的例句 pew的相关词组

pew [pju:]  [pju] 


pew 基本解释

名词座位; 教堂长椅; 会众



pew 相关例句


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. The remark made me want to climb under the pew.

2. The boys entered the church and were assigned seats in the front pew.

3. Can't you find a pew somewhere?

4. There was a slight flutter among those in the pews, as the procession began to ascend the aisle.

5. pew在线翻译

5. Take a pew.

pew 网络解释

1. 白沙瓦:: 北京到巴西利亚机票 巴西-巴西利亚-(BSB) 订票热线: ...北京到白沙瓦特价机票|北京到白沙瓦机票价格|北京到白沙瓦机票查询 来源: 北京华夏航空服务有限公司 航程: 北京到白沙瓦机票 巴基斯坦-白沙瓦-(PEW) 订票热线: 01

2. 长凳:petuntse 白墩子 | pew 长凳 | pewee 美洲小燕

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 呦!表示味道难闻:Oh, well! 无可奈何 | Pew ! 呦!表示味道难闻. | Phew! 咳!表示极度焦虑之后,如释重负.

4. pew什么意思

4. 座位:petty 细小的 | pew 座位 | phantom 幻影

5. pew在线翻译

5. pew:poly ethylene wax; 聚乙烯蜡

6. pew:power factor [ w; 功率因数

7. pew的近义词

7. pew:percussion welding; 冲击电阻焊接

pew 词典解释

1. (教堂里的)长木椅
    A pew is a long wooden seat with a back, which people sit on in church.

    e.g. Claire sat in the front pew.

pew 单语例句

1. Most US handset owners like to keep their handsets close by at night, says Pew in a study released Thursday.

2. In the Pew survey 7 percent of the adult population said they were unaffiliated with a faith as children.

3. Today only about half of the Chinese and Americans view each other's country favorably, according to a Pew Center study released last month.

4. A Pew Research Center survey conducted last month shows that 47 percent favor legal marriage for gay and lesbian couples while 43 percent are opposed.

5. According to the Pew Research Global Attitudes Project, only 30 percent of Italians view the euro positively.

6. But the Pew Center survey points out that the differences with 2008 go beyond candidates adding social media channels.

7. Support for staying in Iraq has also dropped in a Pew Research Center poll.

8. A recent PEW Research Center survey found that 57% of Americans think that higher education is not a good value.

9. More than 11 million illegal immigrants live and work in the United States, according to the Pew Hispanic Center.

10. Two recent PEW polls reflecting perceptions about the US and China are instructive examples of how people can perceive and misperceive one another.

pew 英英释义



1. long bench with backs
    used in church by the congregation

    Synonym: church bench

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