
ramp是什么意思 ramp在线翻译 ramp什么意思 ramp的意思 ramp的翻译 ramp的解释 ramp的发音 ramp的同义词 ramp的反义词 ramp的例句 ramp的相关词组

ramp [ræmp]  [ræmp] 


ramp 基本解释

名词土堤斜坡; 斜道; 敲诈; (装车或上下飞机的)活动梯




ramp 相关例句


1. Have you ever seen a lion ramping around?


1. ramp什么意思

1. The passengers walked up the ramp to board the airplane.

ramp 网络解释

1. ramp在线翻译

1. 匝道:雪停了之后,开始下雨,由于入冬以来没有遇到这种天气,人们似乎无法快速适应雪天的路况,今天一天,小交通事故发生了无数起,原因不是跟车太近,就是下高速匝道(ramp)的时候减速不够,这对于本来就非常糟糕的华盛顿特区交通来说,

2. 坡道:B部分调整悬崖、海水以及地表类型,不过在这里请注意两点:第1,只能在高度差为1,而且宽度至少为三个中型网格,长度在五个中型网格以上的地形间创建坡道(Ramp第2,不要在小范围内同时使用两种悬崖类型(Cliff Type),

3. 跳板:曳引车由船上拖带温控柜下船时,因温控柜底板距离地面仅30公分,下船时需特别小心,船上需以压舱水来控制跳板高度,并利用车身弹簧架调整温控柜与地面距离,以免温控柜底板碰触船上跳板(RAMP)而损及内装货物,台中港务局为服务友达光电公司,

4. 斜坡:这些方法中有两种具有较大的PWM斜坡(ramp)和锁存PWM脉冲(latched PWM pulse). Cp为控制电压(COMP)提供了导数分量(derivative component). 大的Cp电容可以使COMP更快饱和,很容易高于PWM斜坡电压,但会使系统变得不稳定,

5. ramp:remote access maintenance protocol; 远程存取维护协议

6. ramp:receptor activity modifying protein; 受体活性修饰蛋白

7. ramp:radar modernization project; 雷达现代化计划

ramp 词典解释

1. 斜面;斜坡;坡面
    A ramp is a sloping surface between two places that are at different levels.

    e.g. Lillian was coming down the ramp from the museum.
    e.g. ...a ramp to facilitate entry into the pool from a wheelchair.

2. (车辆进出主路时用的)匝道,坡道
    An entrance ramp is a road which cars use to drive onto a major road, and an exit ramp is a road which cars use to drive off a major road.


in BRIT, use 英国英语用 slip road

ramp 单语例句

1. The ramp up in production comes amid a shift in Toyota's capital expenditure plan.

2. Former champion gymnast and disabled rights activist Sang Lan has criticized her local community members who block the wheelchair ramp with bicycles and motorcycles.

3. Metro Cash and Carry is aiming to ramp up private label offerings by 20 percent in less than five years.

4. Although they are expected to continue to ramp up their investment this year, venture capitalists may have more trouble cashing out.

5. The generic industry colloquial term for this damage is " ramp rash ", or " hangar rash ".

6. The new walkway is meant to replace an ancient earthen ramp that partially collapsed in a snowstorm three years ago.

7. An animal rescue official said she had seen dogs eating human cadavers on a highway exit ramp leading to a flooded street.

8. " The experiment showed that the ramp could meet all the standards of the preliminary design, " he said.

9. Although the rebels managed to ramp up chaos in Aleppo and elsewhere, they have so far failed to make big achievements on ground.

10. Chinese automakers trying to ramp up exports hope the show will give them a global audience.


ramp 英英释义



1. an inclined surface connecting two levels

    Synonym: incline

2. a movable staircase that passengers use to board or leave an aircraft

3. North American perennial having a slender bulb and whitish flowers

    Synonym: wild leekAllium tricoccum


1. stand with arms or forelegs raised, as if menacing

2. creep up -- used especially of plants

    e.g. The roses ramped over the wall

3. be rampant

    e.g. the lion is rampant in this heraldic depiction

4. furnish with a ramp

    e.g. The ramped auditorium

5. behave violently, as if in state of a great anger

    Synonym: ragestorm

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