
ranking是什么意思 ranking在线翻译 ranking什么意思 ranking的意思 ranking的翻译 ranking的解释 ranking的发音 ranking的同义词 ranking的反义词

ranking [ˈræŋkɪŋ]  [ˈræŋkɪŋ] 


ranking 基本解释

名词社会地位,社会阶层; 顺序,次序; 行列; 军队

形容词头等的; 高级的; 超群的

ranking 网络解释

1. ranking的意思

1. 名次:实质意义 推广名次(Ranking) 推广名次是推广结果在搜引擎页面推广位置中的排次 要害词嵌入((KeywordInsertion) 要害词嵌入是在创意中通过使用通配符嵌入要害词被嵌入创意中的要害词将在推广页面中显示提高客户对于创意的存眷度和点击率包罗通配符的创意在展现时,

2. 排列:第一类引入到 DB2 中的 OLAP 函数是 排列(ranking)函数,它们是在 DB2 Version 6 中引入的. 这些排列函数提供了定义一个集合(使用 PARTITION 子句),然后根据某种排序方式对这个集合内的元素进行排列的能力. 例如,假设我们有一个雇员表,

3. 排序:然后用不同类型的原子作为探针(probe)进行扫描,计算格点能量,然后对配体在box范围内进行构象搜索(conformational search),最后根据配体的不同构象(conformation),方向(orientation)和位置(position)进行评分(scoring),排序(ranking).

ranking 词典解释

1. (最优秀选手的)排名(表),名次表
    In many sports, the list of the best players made by an official organization is called the rankings.

    e.g. ...the 25 leading teams in the world rankings...
    e.g. Goellner has shot up the rankings.

2. 等级;名次
    Someone's ranking is their position in an official list of the best players of a sport.

    e.g. Agassi was playing well above his world ranking of 12.

3. (常指政治团体中的成员)首位的,最高级别的
    The ranking member of a group, usually a political group, is the most senior person in it.


    e.g. ...the ranking Republican on the senate intelligence committee.
    e.g. ...the ranking American diplomat in Baghdad.

ranking 单语例句

1. Beiqi Foton has now brought its vehicles to more than 60 countries, ranking first in China's commercial vehicle exports by volume.

2. The award is presented annually to the player who holds the world's top ranking for the greatest number of weeks in each calendar year.

3. Canon only held 23 percent of the market for those products in 2008, putting it at No 8 in the ranking of the largest makers of those products.

4. Shanghai also appeared at the top of the ranking in terms of capital investment and greenfield projects.

5. Forbes also recognized Geely in its annual ranking of the best Asian companies with a market capitalization of less than $ 1 billion.

6. " I don't care about my ranking, " he said.

7. Citrus fruits are among the most important and widely grown fruit crops in the world, with global production and total area ranking first among all fruit crops.

8. Shanghai also moved up in the ranking of cities with the most economic clout, going from eighth place last year to fifth this year.

9. With a poor ranking on the Ease of Doing Business scale, strong measures are being brought in to encourage investors to come.

10. Li has since focused on building his brand into an international name, with Li Ning Company Limited now ranking as China's largest sportswear retailer.

ranking 英英释义



1. position on a scale in relation to others in a sport

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