
rap是什么意思 rap在线翻译 rap什么意思 rap的意思 rap的翻译 rap的解释 rap的发音 rap的同义词 rap的反义词 rap的例句 rap的相关词组

rap [ræp]  [ræp] 


rap 基本解释

及物/不及物动词突然说出; (公开地)严厉批评; 突然大声说出; 连续敲叩

名词说唱音乐; (轻快的)敲击(声); 说唱歌; 速度快的谈话

rap 相关词组


1. rap and rend : 巧取豪夺;

rap 网络解释

1. rap什么意思

1. 远程攻击强度:惩戒之弩属性:DPS45.6 36远程攻击强度(RAP)哈霍兰之刺属性:DPS46.3 18灵敏 假如直观从数字上比较,哈霍兰之刺优于惩戒之弩,但是惩戒是闻名的伤害高,那么,在1.10更改了公式的情况下到底两者谁优秀呢?

2. rap:randomly amplified polymorphic; 随机扩增多态性

3. rap的解释

3. rap:randomly amplified polymorphism; 随机引物扩增多态性

4. rap:repeated abdominal pain; 腹痛

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. rap:repeat abdominal pain; 再发性腹痛

rap 词典解释

1. 说唱音乐(一种音乐形式)
    Rap is a type of music in which the words are not sung but are spoken in a rapid, rhythmic way.


    e.g. For some people, rap — the music of the hip-hop generation — is just so much noise...
    e.g. Her favorite music was by Run DMC, a rap group.
           她最喜爱的音乐是Run DMC说唱组合的音乐。

2. 表演说唱音乐;说唱
    Someone who raps performs rap music.


    e.g. ...the unexpected pleasure of hearing the Kids not only rap but even sing...
    e.g. New Yorkers rap about parties and clubs, I rap about car chases and guns.

3. 用说唱风格表演的音乐;说唱音乐中的歌词
    A rap is a piece of music performed in rap style, or the words that are used in it.

    e.g. Every member contributes to the rap, singing either solo or as part of a rap chorus.

4. 急拍;快敲
    If you rap on something or rap it, you hit it with a series of quick blows.


    e.g. Mary Ann turned and rapped on Simon's door.
    e.g. ...rapping the glass with the knuckles of his right hand...

5. 罪名;刑事责任
    A rap is a statement in a court of law that someone has committed a particular crime, or the punishment for committing it.

    e.g. You'll be facing a Federal rap for aiding and abetting an escaped convict.

6. 批评;责备;训斥
    A rap is an act of criticizing or blaming someone.

    e.g. FA chiefs could still face a rap and a possible fine...
    e.g. Timeshare companies also come in for a rap as they continue to flout the rules.

7. 责备;训斥
    If you rap someone for something, you criticize or blame them for it.

    e.g. Water industry chiefs were rapped yesterday for failing their customers...
    e.g. The minister rapped banks over their treatment of small businesses.

8. 名气;(常指并不符合实情的)坏名声
    The rap about someone or something is their reputation, often a bad reputation which they do not deserve.


    e.g. The rap against Conn was that he was far too reckless...
    e.g. The rap on this guy is that he doesn't really care...

9. 闲聊;交谈
    If you rap with someone about something, you talk about it in a relaxed or informal way.

    e.g. Today we are going to rap about relationships.

10. 训斥;责备;指责
    If someone in authority raps your knuckles or raps you on the knuckles, they criticize you or blame you for doing something they think is wrong.

    e.g. We rap the manufacturers on their knuckles if the toy is shoddy...
    e.g. I joined the workers on strike and was rapped over the knuckles...

11. (权威人士的)指责,训斥
      If someone in authority gives you a rap on the knuckles, they criticize you or blame you for doing something they think is wrong.

      e.g. The remark earned him a rap on the knuckles...
      e.g. Britain gave them a diplomatic rap over the knuckles.

12. 承担责任;(尤指替人)受责备,受处罚
      If you take the rap, you are blamed or punished for something, especially something that is not your fault or for which other people are equally guilty.

      e.g. When the client was murdered, his wife took the rap, but did she really do it?

13. 逃避责任(或责罚)
      If you beat the rap, you avoid being blamed for something wrong that you have done.

      e.g. ...their decision to help Minnie beat the murder rap.

相关词组:rap out

rap 单语例句

1. TORONTO - Newly resurrected rap label Death Row Records is expanding into film production.

2. It is their debut for Def Jam Records, a boutique label for rap artists.

3. Rarely has a woman in pop - and certainly in rap - been so aggressive about constantly revamping her appearance.

4. It's seems fitting that Phelps calls on the gold medalist of rap to be the soundtrack to his stunning Olympic successes.

5. The band's album Phrenology in 2002 introduced a more mainstream sound, earning it a Grammy nomination for Best Rap Album.

6. Heather and Paul recorded a song called'Disability Rap'soon after they began dating in 1999.

7. The accusations came from rap artist Omar'Iceman'Sharif - a friend of Spears'estranged husband Kevin Federline.

8. For most people lucky enough to have had an Ivy League education, moving to Beijing to become a rap star would probably not be their first choice.

9. The elder daughter of Pakistan's assassinated former prime minister Benazir Bhutto has written a rap song expressing her anguish over her mother's death.

10. He is a successful rap singer but will also perform some lyrical songs, hoping to touch the hearts of Chinese fans.


rap 英英释义


1. the act of hitting vigorously

    e.g. he gave the table a whack

    Synonym: knockbeltwhackwhang

2. a reproach for some lapse or misdeed

    e.g. he took the blame for it
           it was a bum rap

    Synonym: blame

3. genre of African-American music of the 1980s and 1990s in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment
    several forms of rap have emerged

    Synonym: rap musichip-hop

4. voluble conversation

5. the sound made by a gentle blow

    Synonym: pattap

6. a gentle blow

    Synonym: striketap


1. talk volubly

2. strike sharply

    e.g. rap him on the knuckles

    Synonym: knap

3. perform rap music

4. make light, repeated taps on a surface

    e.g. he was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently

    Synonym: tapknockpink

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