
regulator是什么意思 regulator在线翻译 regulator什么意思 regulator的意思 regulator的翻译 regulator的解释 regulator的发音 regulator的同义词

regulator [ˈregjuleɪtə(r)]  [ˈrɛɡjəˌletɚ] 


regulator 基本解释

名词校准者,[机]调整器,校准器,调节器,[化]调节剂,[无线]稳定器,调节基因,(钟表的)整时器,标准钟; 管理者,调整者,整理者; 原则,标准; [英史]选举调查[监视]委员,监管者

regulator 网络解释

1. 调节器:我厂是以生产汽车零部件为主的厂家,产品是以出口为主,主要有预热塞(glow plug),闪光器(flasher),调节器(regulator)等产品.可登陆我们的网站了解更多www.goup1.com

2. regulator的近义词

2. 调整器:调整器(Regulator) 在充电系统中,能控制交流发电机电压的轮出,以防电压过高的装置. 电瓶水(battery acid) 电瓶内所用的电解液:是硫酸和水的混合物.

3. 监控者:与其他许多公共部门所发生的变革一样,政府一改其服务提供者(serviceprovider)的传统角色定位,而致力于发动和引导市场以及民间的力量参与各项社会福利包括教育的提供活动;其角色则转变为社会活动的统筹者(coordinator)、监控者(regulator)以及服务质量的操控

4. 监管机构:在电力市场环境下,发电公司可通过采用策略性的投标来取得最大利润.另一方面,市场调节或监管机构(regulator)需要评估发电公司的策略性投标行为,考察滥用市场力(market power)的可能性,以确定适当的市场结构和管理规则,

regulator 词典解释

1. 管理者;管理机构;调控者;调控机构
    A regulator is a person or organization appointed by a government to regulate an area of activity such as banking or industry.


    e.g. Congress is being asked to investigate why it took so long for government regulators to shut the plant down...
    e.g. An independent regulator will be appointed to ensure fair competition.

...the UK's financial regulatory system.

2. 调节器;调节装置
    A regulator is a device or mechanism that automatically controls something, such as the temperature in a room or the growth of a person's body.

    e.g. An automatic voltage regulator ensured a constant output from the generator.

regulator 单语例句

1. The banking regulator didn't give a definite answer whether it issued the freeze order, according to a National Business Daily report.

2. The regulator could consider raising the proportion that institutional investors could buy in initial public offerings.

3. Rumors that the state banking regulator will call an end to the favorable mortgage policy next year have driven homebuyers into the housing market.

4. The regulator said capital inflow pressures have eased since May partly due to weaker expectations for yuan appreciation.

5. The head of China's securities regulator said on Thursday that the regulator will vigorously develop capital markets to expand direct financing.

6. BEIJING - China's top foreign exchange regulator Hu Xiaolian has pledged more efforts to boost supervision of capital flows to safeguard the nation's financial security.

7. China's top foreign exchange regulator Hu Xiaolian has pledged more efforts to boost supervision of capital flows to safeguard the nation's financial security.

8. China will open the door of its capital market much wider to foreign investors, said the country's top securities regulator Guo Shuqing.

9. China's regulator can order insurers with a solvency ratio between 100 percent and 150 percent to come up with plans to raise capital.

10. The tourism regulator is working on details to further open the market to foreign operators by lowering capital requirements and allowing subsidiaries.

regulator 英英释义


1. a control that maintains a steady speed in a machine (as by controlling the supply of fuel)

    Synonym: governor

2. any of various controls or devices for regulating or controlling fluid flow, pressure, temperature, etc.

3. an official responsible for control and supervision of a particular activity or area of public interest

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