
restraint是什么意思 restraint在线翻译 restraint什么意思 restraint的意思 restraint的翻译 restraint的解释 restraint的发音 restraint的同义词

restraint [rɪˈstreɪnt]  [rɪˈstrent] 


restraint 基本解释

名词拘束; 抑制,克制; 控制,限制; 约束力

restraint 同义词



restraint 反义词

restraint 相关词组

1. without restraint : 无节制地, 无拘束地;

restraint 相关例句


1. Her anger was beyond restraint.

2. There is still need for profit restraint.

3. I am under no restraint whatever.

4. His rage was beyond restraint.

5. You showed great restraint in not crying.

restraint 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 限制:由于种种原因(承租人的选择、现有能力的饱和、无力偿付费用等),许多享受不到低租金(10w-rent)住房待遇的贫困家庭别无选择(alternative),只能自己购房;他们被鼓励购房,没有受到任何限制(restraint),因为当时的购房贷款(10an)条件很宽松.

restraint 词典解释

1. 限制;制约因素;管制措施
    Restraints are rules or conditions that limit or restrict someone or something.


    e.g. The Prime Minister is calling for new restraints on trade unions...
    e.g. With open frontiers and lax visa controls, criminals could cross into the country without restraint.

2. 克制;抑制;遏制
    Restraint is calm, controlled, and unemotional behaviour.


    e.g. They behaved with more restraint than I'd expected...
    e.g. I'll speak to the staff and ask them to exercise restraint and common sense.

3. 限制;控制
    Restraint of something is the act of preventing it from increasing too much or from being done freely.


    e.g. For a year and a half, wage restraint on a voluntary basis worked...
    e.g. He sued them for restraint of trade and won.

restraint 单语例句

1. Seoul said that the launch will be a provocative act against the international community and urged Pyongyang to show restraint.

2. China urged North Korea on Wednesday to act with calm and restraint, the day after the country announced that it planned to carry out a nuclear test.

3. In 1929 the first Child Marriage Restraint Act was enacted, taking the lower age limit up to 12.

4. It is a time when senses of restraint are challenged by both tradition and culture.

5. The settlers'festivities went ahead despite Netanyahu's call for them to show restraint as the curbs are lifted.

6. The escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula prompted repeated calls from the international community for restraint and calmness.

7. BEIJING - China on Monday called for " calmness and restraint " in resolving the oil dispute between Sudan and South Sudan.

8. China on Monday called for " calmness and restraint " in resolving the oil dispute between Sudan and South Sudan.

9. Neighboring China urged calmness and restraint of all sides involved in the case.

10. He called on parties concerned in the conflict to exercise restraint, cease military action and armed conflict and create conditions for peaceful talks and political settlement.

restraint 英英释义


1. the act of controlling by restraining someone or something

    e.g. the unlawful restraint of trade

2. a device that retards something's motion

    e.g. the car did not have proper restraints fitted

    Synonym: constraint

3. lack of ornamentation

    e.g. the room was simply decorated with great restraint

    Synonym: chastenesssimplicitysimpleness

4. discipline in personal and social activities

    e.g. he was a model of polite restraint
           she never lost control of herself

    Synonym: control

5. a rule or condition that limits freedom

    e.g. legal restraints
           restraints imposed on imports

6. the state of being physically constrained

    e.g. dogs should be kept under restraint

    Synonym: constraint

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