
reunion是什么意思 reunion在线翻译 reunion什么意思 reunion的意思 reunion的翻译 reunion的解释 reunion的发音 reunion的同义词 reunion的反义词

reunion [ri:ˈju:niən]  [riˈjunjən] 


reunion 基本解释

名词重聚,(亲友等的)聚会; 再结合,再合并; 再统一

reunion 网络解释

1. 留尼旺:计划一个月假期,游览毛里球斯 (mauritius),留尼旺(Reunion)和塞舌尔(seychellerna),都在一起就一网打尽. 三个地方的价格是一个比一个贵,没有天理啊. 淡季出发,毛里球斯和reunion各5天左右,然后就交给seychellerna. 据我所知的价格,

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 留尼汪:南印度洋热带低气压今天下午加强为中等热带风暴(MODERATE TROPICAL STROM)GAEL,下午2时GAEL的中心位于法属留尼汪(Reunion)岛圣丹尼斯(Saint-Denis)东偏北方向大约1070公里的南印度洋洋面上,就是南纬17.2度,东经64.9度,

3. reunion的解释

3. 留尼旺岛:中国-留尼旺岛(Reunion)国际航空小包裹资费查询留尼旺岛(Reunion)国际航空小包裹邮寄和挂号服务 三态 会在2-5天将国际邮寄小包裹交由留尼旺岛(Reunion) 邮局(Reunion Postal Service)投递和其海关清关处处理,邮寄时间通常总共为7-14个工作日,由 留尼旺岛(Reunion) 邮局投递到客户,

4. reunion在线翻译

4. reunion:reu; 留尼汪

reunion 词典解释

1. (家庭、学校及其他团体成员的)团聚,重聚,聚会
    A reunion is a party attended by members of the same family, school, or other group who have not seen each other for a long time.

    e.g. The Association holds an annual reunion...
    e.g. The whole family was there for this big family reunion.

2. 重聚;重逢;团圆
    A reunion is a meeting between people who have been separated for some time.


    e.g. The children weren't allowed to see her for nearly a week. It was a very emotional reunion.

reunion 单语例句


1. The ministry plans to diversify avenues of reunion by expanding letter exchanges and bringing more families together at reunion events.

2. Candy has always maintained she didn't attend Stella's party as she did not want the reunion with her estranged daughter to be filmed.

3. " Father Knows Best " enjoyed such lasting popularity in reruns and people's memories that the cast returned years later for two reunion movies.

4. Just as in 2002 and 2006, the CBF will reunion in order to make a concerted decision as to Dunga's successor.

5. Observers say confiscation of the reunion center will be especially outrageous for Seoul, which considers issues of separated families a humanitarian challenge.

6. The payment would be made from the central budget before the Chinese Lunar New Year, one of the most important occasions for family reunion in the country.

7. As reporters gathered in the town over the week to cover the reunion, local residents have reacted with excitement.

8. Chinese legend tells of the reunion of cowboy Niu Lang and his wife Zhi Nu, the seventh daughter of the Jade Emperor of Heaven.

9. Although she can't set a date for the reunion, she says they are all looking forward to working together again.

10. Poland " supports China's peaceful reunion, " the declaration said.

reunion 英英释义


1. the act of coming together again

    e.g. monetary unification precipitated the reunification of the German state in October 1990

    Synonym: reunification

2. a party of former associates who have come together again

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