
ruler是什么意思 ruler在线翻译 ruler什么意思 ruler的意思 ruler的翻译 ruler的解释 ruler的发音 ruler的同义词 ruler的反义词 ruler的例句

ruler [ˈru:lə(r)]  [ˈrulɚ] 


ruler 基本解释

名词统治者; 尺; 直尺

ruler 相关例句


1. The child used a ruler to draw straight lines.

2. She was then ruler of Egypt.

ruler 网络解释

1. 标尺:球面(Spherize)滤镜的应用,图层面板的使用. 在本例中,将左图所示图像中具有透视角度的建筑物修正右图所示的建筑物效果. 所运用到的主要命令有:标尺(Ruler)、辅助线(Guide Line)、的显示,图像的变形(Transform)操作.

2. ruler的意思

2. 尺:一套共6个,每个积木都由文化用品,乐器名称,各种小动物,水果名称等等,6个不同图案组成.共24个图案.每个图案还配有它的英文单词,比如 文化用品:铅笔(pencial)尺(ruler)...

3. 统治者:他在<<理想国>>里把国家的成员分为三个等级:统治者(ruler)、附属者(auxiliaries)以及工匠(workers). 他对掌握着国家权力和资源的少数统治者及其附属者的限制条件是,1)不能有核心家庭. 丈夫和妻子是所有人共享的,孩子也是如此,

ruler 词典解释

1. 统治者;管理者;治理者
    The ruler of a country is the person who rules the country.

    e.g. ...the former military ruler of Lesotho...
    e.g. He was a weak-willed and indecisive ruler.

2. 尺;直尺
    A ruler is a long flat piece of wood, metal, or plastic with straight edges marked in centimetres or inches. Rulers are used to measure things and to draw straight lines.


ruler 单语例句

1. Two books about the Empress Dowager cast new light on the iconic ruler and controversial historical figure.

2. Musharraf fired Chaudhry in 2007 after he took up cases challenging his rule, sparking a wave of protests that helped force the military ruler from office in 2008.

3. Lee called for better relations with former colonial ruler Japan on Saturday, saying his nation should look to the future without dwelling on the past any longer.

4. Mugabe calls his opponents stooges of former colonial ruler Britain and says the nation must make sacrifices to overcome its colonial legacy.

5. Former colonial ruler Portugal meanwhile appealed " for a halt to the violence and respect for the law ".

6. A Tang Dynasty ruler heard of a plot to depose him and decided to flee with one hundred of his followers.

7. And the ruler helps him check the construction quality according to the blueprint.

8. The ruled are asked to maintain order, but they also have the right to choose another ruler if the covenant is broken.

9. The most outspoken opposition newspapers call Gamal " Egypt's de facto ruler, " and some believe elections will be used to maneuver him into a future presidency.

10. But these 10 km were so punishing that the first two engineers were executed by the habitually despotic ruler Qin.


ruler 英英释义



1. measuring stick consisting of a strip of wood or metal or plastic with a straight edge that is used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths

    Synonym: rule

2. a person who rules or commands

    e.g. swayer of the universe

    Synonym: swayer

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