
rum是什么意思 rum在线翻译 rum什么意思 rum的意思 rum的翻译 rum的解释 rum的发音 rum的同义词 rum的反义词 rum的例句 rum的相关词组

rum [rʌm]  [rʌm] 


rum 基本解释


形容词古怪的,奇特的; 难对付的; 蹩脚的

rum 相关例句


1. How rum of him to do that!


1. He sipped his rum.

rum 网络解释

1. 郎姆酒:烈酒 毡酒(GIN) 将谷物经多重蒸馏而配制成的烈酒 配以杜松子及香草来调制出独特香味 郎姆酒(RUM) 甘蔗发酵后经蒸馏而酿成的精华 经储藏于木桶内一段时间作进一步的醇化 伏特加酒(VODKA) 谷物蒸馏的精华,

2. 朗姆酒:加拿大威士忌气味清爽,口感轻快、爽适、不少北美人士都喜爱这种酒是.. 烈酒通常被习惯分为六大类:金酒(Gin)、威士忌(Whisky)、白兰地(Brandy)、伏特加(Vodka)、兰姆酒(又叫罗姆酒、蓝姆酒或朗姆酒)(Rum)和龙舌兰酒(Tequila).

3. 兰姆酒:(4) 兰姆酒( RUM)制造原料是 大麦 马铃薯 杜松子 甘蔗. 餐务组. 35. (4) 在旅馆大厅代为寻人(PAGI NG SE RVICE)之工作属谁较适合?门88. (2) 客房餐饮服务(RO OM SE RVICE)之同样产品 ,价格可能贵於同旅馆内氢化合物(NAPHT HA)清洁剂清除. (FLOOR MASTER) 反锁钥匙(DOUBLE LOCK KEY) 备份钥匙

4. 莱姆酒:烈酒通常被习惯分为六大类:琴酒(Gin)、威士忌(Whisky)、白兰地(Brandy)、伏特加(Vodka)、莱姆酒(Rum)和龙舌兰(Tequila).

5. rum:remote underwater manipulator; 遥测水下操纵器

rum 词典解释

1. 朗姆酒
    Rum is an alcoholic drink made from sugar.

    e.g. ...a bottle of rum.
    e.g. ...a rum punch.

2. 古怪的;奇怪的;奇特的
    If you describe people or things as rum, you mean that they are rather strange.


    e.g. It was a joke, of course, but surely a rum sort of joke?

rum 单语例句

1. Chad Oppenheimer's 47 desert lodges carved directly into the cliffs for the Wadi Rum Resort are set to open in 2014.

2. A very dejected man there told me that they couldn't sell me any rum or a cigar until next week.

3. If you are watching a big football game with friends and drinking rum, you want a big cigar.

4. And then there are the ten flavors of house rum at 15 yuan a glass, ranging from ginger and honey to orange and clove.

5. The most popular cocktail including strawberries is daiquiri which is a mixture of lime, strawberry liqueur and rum.

6. Other signature dishes include braised cod with a splash of rum and sweet and sour eel on potato chips.

7. The rum they used was fragrant and flavourful, definitely not the kind of fake " Jamaican " stuff one finds on Hengshan lu.

8. Macerate some in a splash of rum or vodka and dip them in salt and pepper.

9. Crush the mint in with the juice and rum using a pestle until the mixture is fragrant.

10. The salad tasted as if dressed in mojito, with fresh mint and a hint of rum.

rum 英英释义


1. a card game based on collecting sets and sequences
    the winner is the first to meld all their cards

    Synonym: rummy

2. liquor distilled from fermented molasses



1. beyond or deviating from the usual or expected

    e.g. a curious hybrid accent
           her speech has a funny twang
           they have some funny ideas about war
           had an odd name
           the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves
           something definitely queer about this town
           what a rum fellow
           singular behavior

    Synonym: curiousfunnyoddpeculiarqueerrummysingular

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