
odd是什么意思 odd在线翻译 odd什么意思 odd的意思 odd的翻译 odd的解释 odd的发音 odd的同义词 odd的反义词 odd的例句 odd的相关词组

odd [ɒd]  [ɑ:d] 


odd 基本解释

形容词古怪的; 奇数的; 剩余的; 临时的

名词奇特的事物; 怪人; [高尔夫球]多于对方的一次击球

odd 同义词

odd 反义词


odd 相关例句


1. He's an odd old man.

2. It's no use keeping this odd stocking.

3. Five and nine are odd numbers.

4. She knits at odd moments.

5. It's odd that he hasn't telephoned me.

odd 网络解释

1. 奇数:是小型一体化可扩展PLC,具有强大的通讯功能,基本配置有两个通讯接口(一个RS232,一个RS485),除支持无协议通讯方式外,还支持MODBUS协议、CCM协议、K协议. 本论文主要介绍无协议通讯功能. 奇偶校验 无校验 奇数(ODD)/偶数(EVEN)/无(NONE)

2. odd:optimized distributed decision; 最优分布式决策

3. odd:operator distance dialing; 操作员远距离拨号

4. odd:object definition diagram; 对象定义图

5. odd

5. odd:oxygen degradation domain; 即氧依赖降解区域

odd 词典解释

1. 奇怪的;古怪的;奇特的;异常的
    If you describe someone or something as odd, you think that they are strange or unusual.


    e.g. He'd always been odd, but not to this extent...
    e.g. What an odd coincidence that he should have known your family...

...an oddly shaped hill...
His own boss was behaving rather oddly.
Perhaps it was that very oddness that attracted me to Glen's music.

2. (用于名词前)少量的,微小的,不重要的
    You use odd before a noun to indicate that you are not mentioning the type, size, or quality of something because it is not important.

    e.g. ...moving from place to place where she could find the odd bit of work...
    e.g. He had various odd cleaning jobs around the place...

3. (用于数字后)大约,左右,略多
    You use odd after a number to indicate that it is only approximate.

    e.g. How many pages was it, 500 odd?...
    e.g. He has now appeared in sixty odd films...

4. 奇数的;单数的
    Odd numbers, such as 3 and 17, are those which cannot be divided exactly by the number two.


    e.g. The odd numbers are on the left as you walk up the street...
    e.g. There's an odd number of candidates.

5. 不同类的;不成对的;单只的
    You say that two things are odd when they do not belong to the same set or pair.

    e.g. I'm wearing odd socks today by the way.

6. 与集体不合的人;剩下孤零零的一人;异类
    The odd man out ,the odd woman out, or the odd one out in a particular situation is a person who is different from the other people in it.

    e.g. Azerbaijan has been the odd man out, the one republic not to hold democratic elections...
    e.g. Mark and Rick were the odd ones out in claiming to like this cherry beer.

7. see also: odds;odds and ends

odd 单语例句

1. Call me a prude if you will, but there is something odd and unnerving about contraception pills being sold over the counter.

2. The Centre for Food Safety is advising people not to consume two types of canned soup that may have an odd smell.

3. The cabbie acted like there was nothing odd about picking up three fumy foreigners clad in Christmas gear.

4. There's a devilishly odd nexus of theology, mathematics and commercialism on the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year.

5. But many Americans see no compelling reasons why 280 million Americans should sacrifice their lives for 23 odd million Taiwanese.

6. But her husband is also a connoisseur of odd rocks - in fact, that is how the couple met.

7. Other than the odd word and phrase peppered into conversation here and there, they have not spoken English to each other since they first met two months ago.

8. Despite the odd hours, even prisoners are being allowed to get in on the hype.

9. No matter how odd some of the words might seem, the dictionary editors say each has the promise of sticking around in the American vocabulary.

10. Some parents haven't touched a dictionary since leaving school, but they pick them up again to find odd names for their babies.

odd 英英释义



1. not easily explained

    e.g. it is odd that his name is never mentioned

2. not divisible by two

    Synonym: uneven

3. an indefinite quantity more than that specified

    e.g. invited 30-odd guests

4. not used up

    e.g. leftover meatloaf
           she had a little money left over so she went to a movie
           some odd dollars left
           saved the remaining sandwiches for supper
           unexpended provisions

    Synonym: leftoverleft over(p)left(p)remainingunexpended

5. beyond or deviating from the usual or expected

    e.g. a curious hybrid accent
           her speech has a funny twang
           they have some funny ideas about war
           had an odd name
           the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves
           something definitely queer about this town
           what a rum fellow
           singular behavior

    Synonym: curiousfunnypeculiarqueerrumrummysingular

6. of the remaining member of a pair, of socks e.g.

    Synonym: unmatchedunmatedunpaired

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