
silverware是什么意思 silverware在线翻译 silverware什么意思 silverware的意思 silverware的翻译 silverware的解释 silverware的发音 silverware的同义词

silverware [ˈsɪlvəweə(r)]  [ˈsɪlvərwer] 

silverware 基本解释

名词银餐具; 银器,镀银器皿(尤指餐具); (体育比赛中的)银杯

silverware 相关例句


1. silverware

1. Her silverware was stolen last night.

silverware 网络解释

1. 银器:的餐具大致分为银器(Silverware),瓷器(Chinaware)及玻璃器(x) 275 鲟鱼子酱(Beluga caviar)为珍贵食物宜以银盘盛装及银刀叉食用.(o) 279 鲟鱼子酱(Beluga caviar)以玻璃器皿盛装置於碎冰上供应为宜.(o) 314 保温锅(Chafing dish)之主要功能为自助型态餐食时之食物保温.(o) 315 保温槽(Bain-Marie)的用途是隔热水保温熟食.(x

2. 银器;镀银餐具:17.refreshment 茶点 | 18.silverware 银器;镀银餐具 | 19.specialty 专攻;专业;专长;特制品

3. silverware

3. 银器 银制品:silverwaeshop 银楼 | silverware 银器 银制品 | silverwattle 银荆树

4. 不锈钢餐具:午餐盒饭 box lunch | 不锈钢餐具 silverware | 收拾桌上的餐具 to clear the table

silverware 词典解释

1. 银器(尤指餐具)
    You can use silverware to refer to all the things in a house that are made of silver, especially the cutlery and dishes.

    e.g. There was a serving spoon missing when Nina put the silverware back in its box.

2. (新闻用语中有时指体育比赛中的)银杯
    Journalists sometimes use silverware to refer to silver cups and other prizes won by sports teams or players.

    e.g. Everton paraded their recently acquired silverware.

silverware 单语例句

1. We then visited the fifth floor selling ceramics and trinkets, pausing at a silverware store.

2. Li said she sold her dowry and all the silverware passed down generations in her husband's family.

3. In the new " Qiang Town ", locals will get jobs performing Qiang folk art and crafts like embroidery and silverware making.

4. Manchester City has been fighting on three fronts with the FA Cup joining the Europa League and the Premier League in its chase for silverware.

5. US Open champion Roger Federer breezed into New York's Hard Rock cafe on Monday clutching his latest piece of silverware.

6. Pristine silverware is laid out ready for guests whose meals are accompanied by champagne and exclusive wines.

7. Mancini is under pressure to end City's long wait for silverware.

8. The American siblings have grabbed the silverware at the All England Club in eight of the past 10 years and remain the ones to beat.

9. While Bayern is still chasing a treble, the Scottish side has realistic ambitions of silverware on four fronts.

10. Since a 1993 Copa success, seven coaches have come and gone without achieving senior level silverware.

silverware 英英释义


1. tableware made of silver or silver plate or pewter or stainless steel

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