
sliver是什么意思 sliver在线翻译 sliver什么意思 sliver的意思 sliver的翻译 sliver的解释 sliver的发音 sliver的同义词 sliver的反义词 sliver的例句

sliver [ˈslɪvə(r)]  [ˈslɪvɚ] 


sliver 基本解释

名词裂片; 条子,梳条; 细片,长条; (作鱼饵用的)小鱼片

及物/不及物动词使成薄片; 使裂成小片; 裂开; 把…剖成长条


sliver 网络解释

1. 偷窥:导演保罗.阿巴斯卡将<<狗仔队>>的风格界定在伤害与复仇之间,讲述了这位明星因受不了狗仔队的骚扰而展开疯狂报复的故事. <<焦点娱乐>>取材于丹麦二区DTS版+港三区版+台三区版+OST. FA0223<<追杀狗仔队>>(Paparazzi)FA0259<<银色猎物/偷窥>>(Sliver)

2. sliver是什么意思

2. 銀色獵物:像<<银色猎物>>(Sliver)就一直被笑到现在,<<刺激1995>>(The Shawshank Redemption)这片名怎么取的至今也仍是个谜,不过西洋片喜欢用人名或公司名来当片名,遇到这种情况的话,片商肯定是要绞尽脑汁重新赋予电影新生命的.

3. 银:造成玩家每秒300的奥术伤害,同时增加玩家伤害输出50%. 这个Debuff是可以叠加的. 他会使用瞄准射击,多重射击,震荡射击(有20%的几率击晕3秒),摔绊和冰冻陷阱. 同时它还会召出的宠物,一只叫银(Sliver)的破坏者,但生命和攻击都很低.

sliver 词典解释

1. 小片;一点儿
    A sliver of something is a small thin piece or amount of it.

    e.g. Not a sliver of glass remains where the windows were...
    e.g. There was only one sliver of light in the darkness.

sliver 单语例句

1. Now is the sliver of time after the tree leaves have turned canary yellow and before they fall to the earth below.

2. The moon's rough edge will bite into Venus'slender sliver and rapidly devour it.

3. In its place, a sliver of spring water bubbles its way down the flank of the mountain.

4. Luna Lounge doesn't promise the moon, but still delivers a sliver of sophistication to the city's central hutong hub.

5. The centerpiece of the city's water table is Crescent Moon Lake, a bowed aquatic sliver shimmering in the cracks of several tumbling dunes.

6. Cut from the cow's belly, a sliver of tendon runs through every slice.

7. Most of it is divided between them, with China claiming a sliver.

8. She also won a sliver with the team at the Stuttgart Worlds in September, and just missed a medal on the floor by finishing fourth.

9. They are boxed into a tiny sliver of land in the northeast along with tens of thousands of civilians.

10. While most banks take a more cautious approach on SME loans, some also find a sliver lining.


sliver 英英释义


1. a thin fragment or slice (especially of wood) that has been shaved from something

    Synonym: paringshaving

2. a small thin sharp bit or wood or glass or metal

    e.g. he got a splinter in his finger
           it broke into slivers

    Synonym: splinter


1. form into slivers

    e.g. sliver wood

2. break up into splinters or slivers

    e.g. The wood splintered

    Synonym: splinter

3. divide into slivers or splinters

    Synonym: splinter

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