
smashed to pieces是什么意思 smashed to pieces在线翻译 smashed to pieces什么意思 smashed to pieces的意思 smashed to pieces的翻译 smashed to pieces的解释

smashed to pieces

smashed to pieces 双语例句

1. As l saw it, the life of a child was made up of guilt-bearing malfeasances, whereas a dult offenses were regarded as simple accidents, lf l happened to break a plate while doing the dishes, l would steal down hte stairs and furtively throw the pieces in the sewer; that very evening l would hear some friends of my parents laughingly tell of how they had smashed their car against a tree.

2. The award-winning cube-shaped beach house was built to replace one smashed to pieces by HurricaneHugo 10 years ago.

3. smashed to pieces的意思

3. Located on the shore of Sullivan's Island off the coast of South Carolina, the award-winning cube-shaped beach house was built to replace one smashed to pieces by Hurricane Hugo 10 years ago.

4. smashed to pieces的近义词

4. But I was still excited at that time. I can remember that therewas an old worn-out hooker, grounded on the beach. Its sail was hauled down, leavinga bare mast piercing into the sky lonely; and there were many little crabs staying in the sand. The forane sky was dark and deep. Awaiting the next high tide, the seawater surged anxiously, like a huge wing raising up and beating down forcefully, catharsising the anxiety accumulated in a long time. The aesthetic and decadencefeelingof the movement was beyond description; thespoondrift bursting out was smashed to pieces, like fluff torn from the wings. Water vapor danced all over the sky, not blowed on the face, rather enwrapped the whole body. The fishy sea wind bored intoone's lungs without notice to finish the baptism of sea for you.

5. She would have smashed that whole world, or all worlds, to pieces, if it would only stop the singing.

6. smashed to pieces的反义词

6. The glass is smashed to pieces.

7. When Zhang Ruimin took over Haier, a Chinese white-goods company, in1984, he smashed one of the company's products to pieces with a sledgehammer to show what he thought of its quality.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. The vase is smashed to pieces.

9. The vase was smashed to pieces.

10. The glass was smashed to pieces.

11. To own a fleet of Matchbox vehicles was almost a rite of passage for boys, whether you treasured them or just smashed them to pieces playing with them.

12. Although the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. Someone had picked up the glass paperweight from the table and smashed it to pieces on the hearth-stone.

14. smashed to pieces

14. He smashed the radio to pieces.

15. The waves smashed the boat against the rocks, splintering it to pieces.

smashed to pieces 单语例句

1. I had never seen a city smashed to pieces like this - with naval gunfire and planes crashing down to rout out a few snipers.

2. A researcher accidentally smashed it into six pieces after incorrectly operating a testing instrument, according to an investigation conducted by the museum.

3. Many archaeological sites have been destroyed by man, with statues cut or smashed to pieces.

4. Twelve bronze sculpture molds were smashed to pieces by their creators during a ceremony on July 30 to show the artists'resolve in protecting copyrights.

smashed to pieces
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