
sniff at是什么意思 sniff at在线翻译 sniff at什么意思 sniff at的意思 sniff at的翻译 sniff at的解释 sniff at的发音 sniff at的同义词

sniff at [snif æt]  [snɪf æt] 

sniff at 基本解释


sniff at 相关例句


1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. You shouldn't sniff at such a good offer.

sniff at 网络解释

1. 嗤之以鼻...; 闻闻:snide 伪造的, 卑鄙的, 不诚实的 (形) | sniff at 嗤之以鼻...; 闻闻... | sniffer 嗅探器, 以鼻吸毒者 (名)

sniff at 双语例句

1. When people sniff androstenone, Vosshall said, roughly a third detect vanilla, a third report urine and the final third smell nothing at all.

2. She sniff ed at several perfumes before choosing one.

3. Don't sniff at his effort. He's made great progress.

4. sniff at的解释

4. Don't sniff at his effort. He's mad e great progress.

5. You shouldn't sniff at this opportunity-- you may not get another like it.

6. You shouldn't sniff at such a good offer.

7. Don't sniff at his effort.

8. sniff at

8. From the beginning of civilization of human, the disorder caused by employing new knowledge and tools have lasted to today. People sniff at the easy and simple life indifferent to fame or benefit, considering it as the life of gerund-grinder. They scrabble for tactics, powers and intrigues. The peaceful and tranquil life is replaced with that of a concept of sophism and rivalry, which people should know is main cause of today`s social disorder.

9. I was sitting on the floor playing with him, when he started pawing and sniff ing at the right side of my chest

10. An awkward-looking character such as Cyrano de Bergerac might sniff at the suggestion, but recent scientific research shows beauty, brains and brawn may in fact all be allied, writes Dr Raj Persaud.

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. Some might sniff at a long or mid-iron aimed at the target board in a tree behind the green, but in fairness to Flynn, the green is open in front, giving the player plenty of margin for error.

12. People would sniff at the speciously strong person for that he never take the try to pursue and conquer.

13. sniff at的反义词

13. People would sniff at the speciously strong person for that he never take the try to pursue and conquer. He himself, if conscious, would suffer of an intense sense of regrets.

14. After deeply analyzing sniff mode which is a low power operation mode of bluetooth, a learning function is proposed to approximate the distribution of the incoming traffic at a master - | slave pair.

15. Then, at the first sniff of danger, he was back at his post.

16. We should take a sniff at everything and distinguish the good from the bad.

17. sniff at的解释

17. You knew this at the first sniff, though it was hard to say how.

18. Don't sniff at his effort. he's made great progress.

19. sniff at的解释

19. If all goes well, your cat will sniff and inspect the post and then begin clawing at it.

20. sniff at的意思

20. The student is now planning to display the 30 pairs of denim at a Nobody Was Dirty exhibition in March - where visitors will be able to test out her theory by giving the exhibits a good sniff.

sniff at 单语例句

1. Hehe is curious about everything and may stop to sniff at a dustbin or play with other puppies.

2. The girl raised her hand to let the horse sniff at it and gently brush her slender fingers with its whiskers.

3. Though it has become harder to sniff out a scoop at the congress, some tricks to get hold of top officials for a short talk still work.

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