
social security是什么意思 social security在线翻译 social security什么意思 social security的意思 social security的翻译 social security的解释

social security [ˈsəuʃəl siˈkjuəriti]  [ˈsoʃəl sɪˈkjʊrɪti/sə'kjurətɪ] 

social security 基本解释

名词社会保障,社会保险; <美>政府的公共福利计划

social security 情景对话


A:I’d like to open a current account.

social security的意思

B:Certainly. May I see your social security and your ID, please.


A:Here you are. I wonder how much interest can I earn from a current account.

B:Oh, current account don’t pay out interest.

social security的反义词

A:Why is that?


B:It’s primarily designed for business transactions. That is, writing checks to pay for bills, buying things and sending money.We won’t expect a large amount of deposit in a current account.

A:I see. How do I draw money for my own use then?

B:In that case you can write yourself a cash check and draw money for yourself.

Social Security-(社会保险)

A:Man, they take a lot of our paycheck.

B:Yeah, the government really takes a bite, doesn’t it?

A:Seriously. The only tax I don’t mind them taking is social security. It’s only a few dollars every paycheck.

B:Yeah, I don’t mind it either. We’ll both end up rich slobs and not need it, but what if we do, you know?

A:Yeah. It won’t be much, but at least we’ll have a monthly check when we get old.

social security什么意思

B:Yeah. My grandmother gets by on social security and the money my grandfather invested when he was alive.

A:Let’s just hope the politicians don’t figure out a way to spend it.

B:Really?No, they couldn’t. None of them would have jobs if they did.

social security 网络解释

1. 社保:比如美国的社保(SOCIAL SECURITY). 实际上在这几十年里,每届政府都想把它私有化,因为盈利率太低,只是由于政治原因动它不得. 现在的加利福尼亚州,社保已经快把政府挤破产了!从每个人的工资里拿13%,用来做保险基金. 他的效率不可能比每个人运用这笔钱的效率高,

2. social security的翻译

2. 社会保险:另外,我们到了60岁有可能退休不是因为我们已经辛辛苦苦攒够了钱,而是因为美国老年保健医疗制度(Medicare)可以为我们支付大部分的医疗费,同时我们每个月还能从社会保险(Social Security)获得不少的收入.

3. social security什么意思

3. 社会福利:美国老了的福利好不是政府白给的,都是自己付的,我们工资里要交所有401k,还会自己给自己买保险. 美国很多人70多了还在工作就是因为太早兑现自己的社会福利(social security)要交太多的税给国家.

social security 词典解释

1. 社会保障(制度)
    Social security is a system under which a government pays money regularly to certain groups of people, for example the sick, the unemployed, or those with no other income.

social security的解释

    e.g. ...women who did not have jobs and were on social security...
    e.g. Families on social security benefits will be harshly affected.

social security 单语例句

social security的意思

1. Wedding planning has not yet become a profession listed in job categories by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.

2. Policymakers must calculate carefully how much of a premium villagers should pay into the social security fund and how much they will get from it.

3. He said he received a call the next day from an official with the Jiangbei district's human resources and social security bureau.

4. The President's call highlights the urgency for building a better social security system that is in tune with the requirements of a flexible labor market.

5. The ministry also required local labour and social security departments to clear up restrictive local policies and cancel illegal charges that targeted migrant workers.

6. The draft said the country will first launch a social security number system nationwide by using the current citizen identification card number.

7. The draft said China would establish a standard social security number system across the nation by using each citizen's current identification card number.

8. If the current social security coverage remains too meager to meet the public's needs, most people will rather save more money in banks than careless spending.

9. This shows that moral problems reflect the defects in the system, which in this case is the weak social security system.

10. This can go hand in hand with the improvement in the social security system to free up savings and cash in the system.

social security 英英释义

social security在线翻译


1. social welfare program in the U.S.
    includes old-age and survivors insurance and some unemployment insurance and old-age assistance

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