
sponsorship是什么意思 sponsorship在线翻译 sponsorship什么意思 sponsorship的意思 sponsorship的翻译 sponsorship的解释 sponsorship的发音

sponsorship [ˈspɒnsəʃɪp]  [ˈspɑ:nsərʃɪp] 

sponsorship 基本解释

名词赞助; 发起; 倡议; 保证人


sponsorship 网络解释

1. sponsorship什么意思

1. 赞助式广告:通过以上四个角度分析企业战略规划. 答:(1)旗帜广告(Banner),(2) 按钮广告(Button),(3)赞助式广告(sponsorship),(4)关键字广告(Keyword)要清晰这些广告方式的详细表现形式和优缺点.

2. 赞助商:而显示型广告包括横幅 (banner)、富媒体(rich media)、数位影音 (digital video)与赞助商(sponsorship)等,整体市占仅为 33% ,去年总收入为76亿美元. 而若从广告付费的模式来看,以绩效为基础 (performance-based) 的网路广告逐渐成长,

sponsorship 词典解释

1. 资助(金);赞助(金);资金支持
    Sponsorship is financial support given by a sponsor.

    e.g. Campbell is one of an ever-growing number of skiers in need of sponsorship...
    e.g. Private sponsorships only accounted for a third of all arts funding last year.

2. 赞助行为;资助行为
    Sponsorship of something is the act of sponsoring it.

    e.g. When it is done properly, arts sponsorship can be more effective than advertising.

sponsorship 单语例句

1. This turns into a sponsorship feeding frenzy, and the secretly recovering director is tickled pink by the irony of it all.

2. Castrol and CCTV signed a contract on Monday for the exclusive sponsorship of CCTV's broadcasting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa.

3. Each level of sponsorship entitles companies to different marketing rights in various regions, category exclusivity and the use of designated Olympic images and marks.

4. Kobe has been working to end homelessness through their sponsorship of My Friend's Place, a resource center that provides services to young homeless people.

5. It also gets a slice of funds raised centrally by the International Olympic Committee through global sponsorship and broadcast deals.

6. The circular came after the office issued an open letter on Wednesday, saying the money violated international regulations on accepting sponsorship money from tobacco companies.

7. He added that after finalizing a few remaining sponsorship agreements it would " close down " the program.

8. Beijing's Olympic organizers have promised to adhere to the common Olympic practice of not accepting sponsorship from tobacco and strong liquor producers.

9. Analysts said solar panels and soccer may sound like an unusual combination, but the sponsorship could work in terms of building brand credibility and catering to investors.

10. SHANGHAI - A controversial Shanghai standup comedian's sponsorship of the famed Fudan University has met with pockets of applause and loud booing.


sponsorship 英英释义



1. the act of sponsoring (either officially or financially)

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