
demonstration是什么意思 demonstration在线翻译 demonstration什么意思 demonstration的意思 demonstration的翻译 demonstration的解释 demonstration的发音

demonstration [ˌdemənˈstreɪʃn]  [ˌdɛmənˈstreʃən] 


demonstration 基本解释

名词示范; 证明; 游行示威; 表露

demonstration 相关例句


1. We watched the demonstration from our windows.

2. demonstration在线翻译

2. The teacher gave a demonstration of the law of gravity.

demonstration 网络解释

1. 示范:学 习的 过程 学习的过程有三个阶段:吸收(Acquisition),示范(Demonstration)及运用(Application).教导中所有 重要的观念,技巧或程序,都必须经由这三个阶段的 运作, 并让学员有足够的时间去达成每一阶段的学习 目标.

demonstration 词典解释

1. 示威;示威游行(或集会)
    A demonstration is a march or gathering which people take part in to show their opposition to something or their support for something.

    e.g. Riot police broke up a demonstration by students.
    e.g. ...mass demonstrations.

2. 示范;演示
    A demonstration of something is a talk by someone who shows you how to do it or how it works.


    e.g. ...a cookery demonstration.
    e.g. ...demonstrations of new products.

3. 证明;论证;表明;说明
    A demonstration of a fact or situation is a clear proof of it.

    e.g. This is a clear demonstration of how technology has changed...
    e.g. This was a very practical demonstration of why the Army trained people to be disciplined.

4. (特质的)显示;(情感的)表露
    A demonstration of a quality or feeling is an expression of it.


    e.g. There's been no public demonstration of opposition to the President.
    e.g. ...physical demonstrations of affection.

demonstration 单语例句

1. More than a dozen university students took part in the demonstration, funded by local animal rights group Wild Aid.

2. Police officers made a sensible decision yesterday to call off their demonstration scheduled for Sunday.

3. Canoeing first featured as a demonstration sport at the Paris 1924 Games.

4. The ministry would also subsidize demonstration projects producing ethanol from cellulose, sweet sorghum and cassava or making biodiesel from forest products.

5. Visitors to Topeka who catch sight of a Phelps demonstration are often appalled.

6. The demonstration took place as the chief executive attended the opening ceremony of an exhibition marking the centenary of the 1911 Revolution.

7. The Chilean mine accident was an exemplary demonstration of the difference an emergency shelter can make when miners find themselves in harm's way.

8. A demonstration solar generator churning out at least 5 megawatts should be up and running by 2007.

9. But the most significant phenomenon emerging from this horrific disaster is the unprecedented demonstration of the spirit of citizenship by the ordinary Chinese people.

10. US Representative Luis Gutierrez was taking part in a civil disobedience demonstration.

demonstration 英英释义


1. a show or display
    the act of presenting something to sight or view

    e.g. the presentation of new data
           he gave the customer a demonstration

    Synonym: presentationpresentment

2. a show of military force or preparedness

    e.g. he confused the enemy with feints and demonstrations

3. a public display of group feelings (usually of a political nature)

    e.g. there were violent demonstrations against the war

    Synonym: manifestation

4. proof by a process of argument or a series of proposition proving an asserted conclusion

    Synonym: monstrance

5. a visual presentation showing how something works

    e.g. the lecture was accompanied by dramatic demonstrations
           the lecturer shot off a pistol as a demonstration of the startle response

    Synonym: demo

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