
storerooms是什么意思 storerooms在线翻译 storerooms什么意思 storerooms的意思 storerooms的翻译 storerooms的解释 storerooms的发音 storerooms的同义词



storerooms 基本解释

贮藏室,商品陈列室( storeroom的名词复数 );

storerooms 双语例句

1. storerooms的翻译

1. Looper, who works in the storerooms, |is helping him.

2. storerooms在线翻译

2. The storage and flowing direction of various kinds of materials can been timely reflected through the management of the accounting of various storerooms and the types and warrants of storehouse entry/exit of materials so as to provide a basis for the production management and costing.

3. storerooms的翻译

3. Patton inspected a command pillbox: It consisted of a three-story submerged barracks with toilets, shower baths, a hospital, laundry, kitchen, storerooms, and every conceivable convenience plus an enormous telephone installation.

4. storerooms的反义词

4. And sometime place is very much available in your storerooms.

5. storerooms的意思

5. Having the storerooms accommodated to the quantity and scale of the entry aquatic products;

6. storerooms在线翻译

6. Today's collectors are reluctant to bequeath to established museums, where space shortages mean works may go straight into storerooms and stay there.

7. The accommodation spaces including the officer and crew cabins, storerooms, reefer chambers, public areas and radio room had been vandalized and looted.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Some retailers have removed the iPad tablets to back storerooms, fearing that local Administration of Industry and Commerce will confiscate them.

9. storerooms的解释

9. But it turned out that officials had simply failed to empty one of three storerooms, leaving a third of the water locked away.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Our names are the light that glows on the sea waves at night and then dies without leaving its signature. Although there are signs of the devastation everywhere, it is not uncommon to come upon storerooms that are still completely intact.

11. storerooms的近义词

11. Hezekiah gave orders to prepare storerooms in the temple of the Lord, and this was done.

12. We would prefer church plate and other treasures to be concealed in bank storerooms.

13. I want him to supervise a detailed inventory of the imperial storerooms!

14. storerooms

14. Without them we would have to keep whatever we use as money under the mattress or in corporate storerooms.

15. At least two warehouses including their underground storerooms were destroyed.

16. storerooms的翻译

16. Its temples, wooden houses and storerooms, grey-tiled roofs and overgrown cemeteries look more like a film mock-up of Japan than the real thing.

17. storerooms在线翻译

17. Although there are signs of the devastation everywhere, it is not uncommon to come upon storerooms that are still completely intact.

18. Within them, sounds echoed off arches of many-colored bricks, and amongst the stables, stalls, and storerooms.

19. The functions of the software have managing storerooms, printing statistics reports and bills of document.

20. It also put forward an effective method that the storerooms of entities, locale condition simulation are established and auto-assembly technology route about the whole bridge was realized by using computer technology of 3D graphics.

storerooms 单语例句

1. The museum is checking equipment in all its exhibition halls, storerooms and courtyards to find potential weaknesses and to improve security measures.

2. Some retailers have removed the iPad tablets to back storerooms, fearing that local Administration of Industry and Commerce will confiscate them.

3. The innovation saves judges from having to fetch files stored in suburban storerooms and helps protect the paper files.

4. At the site, researchers found several deep ditches which they believed were storerooms and some signs of barbecuing.

5. Currently only 25 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have such storerooms.

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