
strength是什么意思 strength在线翻译 strength什么意思 strength的意思 strength的翻译 strength的解释 strength的发音 strength的同义词

strength [streŋθ]  [strɛŋkθ, strɛŋθ, strɛnθ] 


strength 基本解释

名词力量; 优点,长处; (光、声、色等的)力度; 人力[数]

strength 同义词

strength 反义词

strength 相关词组

1. with all one's strength : 用全力;

2. by main strength : 靠全身力气;

strength 相关例句


1. The enemy were in strength.

2. He hasn't got enough strength to remove that stone.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. What is your strength?

4. I did it on the strength of your promise .

5. The medicine has lost its strength.

strength 网络解释

1. 力量:阿伦特继而区分了"暴力"(violence)、"力量"(strength)、"势力"(force)、"权威"(authority)等概念,指出在当代功能主义 思考模式下,这些概念都被化约成达到统治的类似手段;但这样做只能使得人类生活的经 验趋于单调.

2. strength的反义词

2. 优点:据有关的OVID搜索发现,错误(error)和偏差(bias)(18,913)远多于优点(strength)与价值(virtue)(7,423),晚近的Myers和Diener(1995)文献回顾发现:心理学文献过分集中在个人生活的消极层面,心理科学中关于消极心理研究的论文远远超过研究积极心理状态的论文,

strength 词典解释

1. 体力;力气;力量
    Your strength is the physical energy that you have, which gives you the ability to perform various actions, such as lifting or moving things.


    e.g. She has always been encouraged to swim to build up the strength of her muscles...
    e.g. He threw it forward with all his strength...

2. (面对困境的)信心,勇气
    Someone's strength in a difficult situation is their confidence or courage.

    e.g. Something gave me the strength to overcome the difficulty...
    e.g. His strength is an inspiration to me in my life...

3. 强度
    The strength of an object or material is its ability to be treated roughly, or to carry heavy weights, without being damaged or destroyed.

    e.g. He checked the strength of the cables.
    e.g. ...the properties of a material, such as strength or electrical conductivity.

4. 实力;影响力
    The strength of a person, organization, or country is the power or influence that they have.

    e.g. America values its economic leadership, and the political and military strength that goes with it...
    e.g. The Alliance in its first show of strength drew a hundred thousand-strong crowd to a rally...
           该联盟的第一次实力展示便吸引了 10 万余众参加集会。

5. (情感、意见、信念的)深度,强烈程度,影响程度
    If you refer to the strength of a feeling, opinion, or belief, you are talking about how deeply it is felt or believed by people, or how much they are influenced by it.

    e.g. He was surprised at the strength of his own feeling...
    e.g. ...the Civil War and the strength of feeling it had engendered among the Spanish people...

6. 优势;优点;长处
    Someone's strengths are the qualities and abilities that they have which are an advantage to them, or which make them successful.


    e.g. Take into account your own strengths and weaknesses...
    e.g. Vision and ambition are his great strengths...

7. (货币、经济、工业的)坚挺
    If you refer to the strength of a currency, economy, or industry, you mean that its value or success is steady or increasing.

    e.g. ...the long-term competitive strength of the American economy...
    e.g. The drop was caused partly by the pound's strength against the dollar.

8. 人数;人力
    The strength of a group of people is the total number of people in it.


    e.g. ...elite forces, comprising about one-tenth of the strength of the army.

9. (风等的)强度,力度,速度
    The strength of a wind, current, or other force is its power or speed.

    e.g. Its oscillation depends on the strength of the gravitational field...
    e.g. A tropical storm is gaining strength in the eastern Atlantic.

10. (饮料、化学品、药品的)浓度,浓淡程度
    The strength of a drink, chemical, or drug is the amount of the particular substance in it that gives it its particular effect.


    e.g. It is very alcoholic, sometimes near the strength of port...
    e.g. Each capsule contains between 30 and 100 pellets of morphine sulphate according to the strength of dose required...
           根据所需剂量的浓度不同,每颗胶囊里含有 30 至 100 个吗啡硫酸盐颗粒。

11. (味道、气味、颜色、声音、光照的)程度
      You can talk about the strength of a flavour, smell, colour, sound, or light to describe how intense or easily noticed it is.


      e.g. The wine has lots of strength of flavour.

12. 日益兴隆;不断取得成功;信心倍增
      If a person or organization goes from strength to strength, they become more and more successful or confident.


      e.g. Since her heart and lung transplant operation she has gone from strength to strength...
      e.g. A decade later, the company has gone from strength to strength.

13. (队伍或军队的)全员,满员,最佳阵容
      If a team or army is at full strength, all the members that it needs or usually has are present.


      e.g. He needed more time to bring US forces there up to full strength.
      e.g. ...a full-strength team.

14. 大量,大批(聚集)
      If a group turns out in strength, they arrive in large numbers.

      e.g. Mr Gore called on voters and party workers to turn out in strength...
      e.g. Security forces have been out in strength.

15. 在…的影响下;凭借;依赖
      If one thing is done on the strength of another, it is done because of the influence of that other thing.

      e.g. He was elected to power on the strength of his charisma...
      e.g. On the strength of those grades, he won a scholarship to Syracuse University.

16. (军队或队伍)人员不足,阵容不全
      If an army or team is under strength or below strength, it does not have all the members that it needs or usually has.


      e.g. His regiments were considerably under strength...
      e.g. They had been beaten by a below-strength side.

strength 单语例句

1. Both appear to be going from strength to strength as domestic business also grows dramatically along with the buying power of the two peoples.

2. Naming a Cabinet in Japan has traditionally involved a careful balancing act, giving each of the party's main factions positions that reflect their relative strength.

3. Brown's cabinet reshuffle is viewed as a desperate move to regain voters'confidence and his authority and strength in the government.

4. Apple earlier blamed the reception problem on a wrong method to calculate signal strength, and promised to fix the glitch with software updates.

5. Under the threat of SARS, the Chinese people also displayed unusual calmness and strength.

6. Jenkins said in his statement he was gaining strength daily and hoped soon to be healthy enough to leave the hospital for Camp Zama.

7. Organizers said the campaign is part of the country's human resources development strategy, and is vital for upgrading China's competitiveness and national strength.

8. It was expected to drop below tropical storm strength - 39 mph - before midnight, and was to drift into Canada later Sunday or early Monday.

9. Canoe Slalom depends on great upper body strength, but also incredible control and precision.

10. In view of this, we can't overestimate the GDP's role in measuring a country's national strength.

strength 英英释义



1. the property of being physically or mentally strong

    e.g. fatigue sapped his strength

2. capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects

    e.g. the toxin's potency
           the strength of the drinks

    Synonym: potencyeffectiveness

3. physical energy or intensity

    e.g. he hit with all the force he could muster
           it was destroyed by the strength of the gale
           a government has not the vitality and forcefulness of a living man

    Synonym: forceforcefulness

4. permanence by virtue of the power to resist stress or force

    e.g. they advertised the durability of their products

    Synonym: lastingnessdurabilityenduringness

5. the amount of energy transmitted (as by acoustic or electromagnetic radiation)

    e.g. he adjusted the intensity of the sound
           they measured the station's signal strength

    Synonym: intensityintensity level

6. an asset of special worth or utility

    e.g. cooking is his forte

    Synonym: fortestrong suitlong suitmetierspecialtyspecialitystrong point

7. the power to induce the taking of a course of action or the embracing of a point of view by means of argument or entreaty

    e.g. the strength of his argument settled the matter

    Synonym: persuasiveness

8. capability in terms of personnel and materiel that affect the capacity to fight a war

    e.g. we faced an army of great strength
           politicians have neglected our military posture

    Synonym: military capabilitymilitary strengthmilitary postureposture

9. the condition of financial success

    e.g. the strength of the company's stock in recent weeks

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