
strike out是什么意思 strike out在线翻译 strike out什么意思 strike out的意思 strike out的翻译 strike out的解释 strike out的发音 strike out的同义词

strike out [straik aut]  [straɪk aʊt] 

strike out 基本解释

删去; 拟出; 自成一格; 用力打

strike out 相关例句


1. They've struck that name out.

2. strike out的意思

2. He struck out a new idea.

strike out 网络解释

1. 三振:本来想让投手博一下弄个三振(strike out)什么的完美结束战斗但是投手已经投了1百球左右,接近了体能极限,牛棚(替补投手群)还未准备好,而且现在对方强棒过后轮到的是一个打击率2成未到的菜鸟弱棒(就是面对10个投球2支安全打击都搞不到那种),

2. 删去;想出:straight from the horse's mouth 据可靠消息 | strike out 删去;想出 | string sb along 常常戏弄某人

strike out 词典解释

1. 开始独立从事新的活动;自立谋生
    If you strike out, you begin to do something different, often because you want to become more independent.

    e.g. She wanted me to strike out on my own, buy a business.
    e.g. ...a desire to make changes and to strike out in new directions.

2. 猛打;冲…大嚷
    If you strike out at someone, you hit, attack, or speak angrily to them.

    e.g. He seemed always ready to strike out at anyone and for any cause...
    e.g. Frampton struck out blindly, hitting not Waddington, but an elderly man.

3. (朝某方向)开始前行,出发
    If you strike out in a particular direction, you start travelling in that direction.


    e.g. They left the car and struck out along the muddy track...
    e.g. He was planning to dump her and strike out for New York alone.

4. (击球手)三击不中出局;使…三振出局
    In baseball, if a pitcher strikes out a batter or if a batter strikes out, the batter fails to hit three balls thrown properly by the pitcher, and is out.

strike out是什么意思

    e.g. He struck out ten batters, and allowed only two runs...
           他使 10 名击球手三振出局,仅让对方两次跑垒得分。
    e.g. Canseco, nursing a back injury, struck out.

5. 失败;不成功
    If someone strikes out, they fail.


    e.g. The lawyer admitted that he was the firm's second lawyer. The first one had struck out completely.

6. see also: strike

strike out 单语例句

1. The general strike forced authorities to cancel nearly all flights in and out of the nation's main airports.

2. He said passengers applauded when the pilot stepped out of the cockpit and told them they were turning back because of the eagle strike.

3. NATO said later it carried out a strike against a government command and control post in the capital.

4. Leung's somewhat messy handling of the UBW controversy proved a letdown for many local residents, but that episode alone is not enough to strike Leung out.

5. Ecuador looked demoralised but they gave themselves a glimmer of a chance with a deflected strike from more than 20 metres out by Edison Mendez.

6. Emboldened by this experience, the sisters decided to strike out for a fresh start in Beijing.

7. Massimo Ambrosini then had another Milan strike harshly ruled out for a foul on goalkeeper Ferdinando Coppola.

8. The reform became possible when the revolutionary movement strengthened and general strike broke out in Russia 1905.

9. Arsenal looked to be in the driving seat once Thierry Henry had put them ahead with an amazing strike from 25 yards out.

10. The former Liverpool star has been instrumental in England's recent revival as his physical presence brought the best out of strike partner Wayne Rooney.

strike out在线翻译

strike out 英英释义


1. set out on a course of action

    e.g. He struck out on his own

2. remove from a list

    e.g. Cross the name of the dead person off the list

    Synonym: cross offcross outstrike offmark

3. cause to get out

    e.g. The pitcher retired three batters
           the runner was put out at third base

    Synonym: retire

4. put out or be put out by a strikeout

    e.g. Oral struck out three batters to close the inning

5. make a motion as with one's fist or foot towards an object or away from one's body

6. be unsuccessful in an endeavor

    e.g. The candidate struck out with his health care plan

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