
student是什么意思 student在线翻译 student什么意思 student的意思 student的翻译 student的解释 student的发音 student的同义词 student的反义词

student [ˈstju:dnt]  [ˈstu:dnt] 


student 基本解释

名词中学生; 学生,大学生; 研究者,学者; <美俚>初学者


student 情景对话


A:What’s your job?


B:For now, I’m a student at the university.
      目前, 我在大学里读书。

A:I thought you were working.


B:Well, I work as a tour guide in the holidays.

A:That must be quite interesting.

B:Yes, it is. I like meeting new people and it’s a good chance to practise my English.

student 网络解释

1. 在校学生:该校拥有全英最大的研究生院,注册研究生人数为5500名,总在校学生(student)人数为10666名(含本科生). 邻近巴斯市,位于伦敦西面170公里,乘火车往伦敦需要80分钟. 其图书馆有图书及期刊40万册,使用现代化的信息查询系统.

2. 中学生:我立刻跑出升降机,心想回到家就没有事了,但我突然被一块石绊倒,我倒在地上,看见一个中学生(student)站在我面前,他(he)对我说:「小朋友,一起和我玩吧. 」然后他(he)一面笑一面消失了. 之后,我立刻回家. 回到家后,我把事情说给表哥听.

student 词典解释

1. (大学或学院的)学生;大学生
    A student is a person who is studying at a university or college.

    e.g. Warren's eldest son is an art student, at St Martin's.
    e.g. ...a 23-year-old medical student.
           23 岁的医科大学生

2. 中学生
    A student is a child who is studying at a secondary school.

3. 研究者;学者
    Someone who is a student of a particular subject is interested in the subject and spends time learning about it.


    e.g. ...a passionate student of nineteenth century history.
           热衷于 19 世纪历史的研究者

student 单语例句

1. " It is an honour to be in the presence of these Nobel laureates, " said one student at the University of International Business and Economics.

2. But a student surnamed Jiang from the University of International Business and Economics said people would continue to smoke regardless of the law.

3. Keson Bernard Tinker is a postgraduate student of business management at Shanghai's Donghua University.

4. But for the student Wang, the damage had already been done.

5. The campaign was initiated by a student who wrote a letter to the county's leading official to protest teachers smoking in classrooms and offices.

6. Other lots include signed student membership cards to Lee's kung fu schools, and a martial arts book inscribed by the actor.

7. Young pioneers'red scarves and arm bands for the student cadre have become chic accessories.

8. A student who gave only her family name as Xia said she suspected the food served at the school cafeteria was to blame.

9. So the office must take action to weed out abuse of the student system, it said.

10. The returning student week was first launched in 2000 and has now become an important means for the province to attract high caliber individuals.

student 英英释义


1. a learned person (especially in the humanities)
    someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines

    Synonym: scholarscholarly personbookman

2. a learner who is enrolled in an educational institution

    Synonym: pupileducatee

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