
summary是什么意思 summary在线翻译 summary什么意思 summary的意思 summary的翻译 summary的解释 summary的发音 summary的同义词 summary的反义词

summary [ˈsʌməri]  [ˈsʌməri] 


summary 基本解释

名词摘要,概要; 总结,一览

形容词概括的,总结的; 即刻的,立即的

summary 同义词

summary 反义词



summary 相关例句


1. He gave a summary report of the day's events.

2. The government took summary action to aid the earthquake victims.


1. He made a summary of the case.

summary 情景对话



B:Give me a summary of your current job description.


A:I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support.

B:Why did you leave your last job?

A:Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take it./I feel I have reached the "glass ceiling" in my current job. / I feel there is no opportunity for advancement.
      我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓 住。/我觉得目前的工作,已经达到顶峰,即沒有升迁机会。

summary 网络解释

1. 概述:设备型号: d11系列 成 色: 全新 产品数量: 概述(summary) 该系列变压器外形新颖,全密封结构,损耗更低. 主要用于路灯以及小区单相供电等.

2. summary

2. 汇总:3.汇总(summary)地址6.默认(default)地址 如果在地址匹配过程中,不能和路由表中任何条目所匹配,packet将被丢弃,然后,一个名为 Destination Unreachable(目标不可达)的ICMP信息将发回给源地址 查看IP路由表,使用show ip route,如下:

summary 词典解释

1. 总结;摘要;概括
    A summary of something is a short account of it, which gives the main points but not the details.

    e.g. What follows is a brief summary of the process...
    e.g. Here's a summary of the day's news...

2. 从速的;即决的;草草的
    Summary actions are done without delay, often when something else should have been done first or done instead.

    e.g. It says torture and summary execution are common...
    e.g. There is no doubt that some considered that a beating was no more than summary justice...

Several detainees had been summarily executed.

summary 单语例句

1. " People come back from war different, " he offers by way of a summary.

2. In chart 4 we show the same summary bars as in chart 1, but now with the labels attached.

3. The summary set the stage for the " cultural revolution ", and it was a beginning of collusion between Jiang Qing and Lin Biao.

4. This vivid summary by Wu Bangguo has voiced the common will or aspiration of NPC deputies.

5. A summary of the 2011 NBI survey results are shown in the table above with a comparison of each country's 2010 score.

6. The exhibition is the second periodical summary of the " Compass Project " launched by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage.

7. What he got was only the concise summary of the consultation paper but he did not read the paper until this week.

8. An advance copy of the commission's executive summary received by AFP made concrete recommendations for action by donor states.

9. " Mr Evra was a credible witness, " the report stated in its summary.

10. Under the precondition of guaranteeing justice, simple criminal cases with adequate proof should be handled with summary procedures.

summary 英英释义


1. a brief statement that presents the main points in a concise form

    e.g. he gave a summary of the conclusions

    Synonym: sum-up


1. briefly giving the gist of something

    e.g. a short and compendious book
           a compact style is brief and pithy
           succinct comparisons
           a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject

    Synonym: compendiouscompactsuccinct

2. performed speedily and without formality

    e.g. a summary execution
           summary justice

    Synonym: drumhead

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