
supposed是什么意思 supposed在线翻译 supposed什么意思 supposed的意思 supposed的翻译 supposed的解释 supposed的发音 supposed的同义词

supposed [səˈpəʊzd]  [səˈpoʊzd] 


supposed 基本解释


形容词假定的; (按规定、法律、协议等)(不)应当; (只用于否定句)不准; (对某人所说的话表示气愤或不大理解)那是什么意思

动词料想( suppose的过去式和过去分词); 意味着; [用于被动语态]认为应该; [用于祈使句]让


supposed 相关例句


1. The supposed prince was really a beggar in disguise.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. Her supposed wealth is a very small sum.

supposed 情景对话



A:Hello! Which bus should I take to railway station?


B:You can take a No. 22 bus here.

A:Where am I supposed to change?


B:At University street.


A:I think it’’s going to be a nice day.

B:It’’s certainly a big improvement over yesterday.


A:But it’’s supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon.

B:Well, the worst of the winter should be over.


A:Flowers. Now that's romantic.

B:They're plastic and will never die. They're supposed to be a symbol of endless love.

A:The two of you were definitely made for each other. Thank God, my match-making work is over...Now it's your turn.


A:Do you have Don's number?

supposed 网络解释

1. 假定的:suppose 假设 | supposed 假定的 | supposedly 想像上

2. 假定的/推测的:suppose ;假定/推测 | supposed ;假定的/推测的 | suppress ;抑制

supposed 词典解释

Pronounced /sə'pəʊzd/ or /sə'pəʊst/ for meanings 1 to 4, and /sə'pəʊzɪd/ for meaning 5. 义项 1 到 4 读作 /sə'pəʊzd/ 或 /sə'pəʊst/。义项 5 读作 /sə'pəʊzɪd/。

1. (按计划或期望)应当,应该,须
    If you say that something is supposed to happen, you mean that it is planned or expected. Sometimes this use suggests that the thing does not really happen in this way.

    e.g. He produced a handwritten list of nine men he was supposed to kill...
           他拿出了一份手写的名单,上面列有 9 个他应该要杀死的人。
    e.g. Public spending is supposed to fall, not rise, in the next few years.

2. 本应该(发生而没有发生)
    If something was supposed to happen, it was planned or intended to happen, but did not in fact happen.

    e.g. He was supposed to go back to Bergen on the last bus, but of course the accident prevented him...
    e.g. The first debate was supposed to have been held on Tuesday.

3. 认为;觉得;相信
    If you say that something is supposed to be true, you mean that people say it is true but you do not know for certain that it is true.


    e.g. 'The Whipping Block' has never been published, but it's supposed to be a really good poem...
    e.g. 'The President cannot be disturbed,' his son is supposed to have told an early morning caller.

4. (表示恼怒)还是,竟
    You can use 'be supposed to' to express annoyance at someone's ideas, or because something is not happening in the proper way.

    e.g. You're supposed to be my friend!...
    e.g. Don't try to tell me what I'm supposed to be feeling...

5. 误以为的;误信的;所谓的
    You can use supposed to suggest that something that people talk about or believe in may not in fact exist, happen, or be as it is described.


    e.g. Not all indigenous regimes were willing to accept the supposed benefits of British trade.
    e.g. ...when the rule of law is broken by its supposed guardians.

He was more of a victim than any of the women he supposedly offended...
Supposedly his last words to her were: 'You must not pity me.'

supposed 单语例句


1. Some publicity that is supposed to prevent teenagers from smoking has actually aroused curiosity among them by claiming " smoking is a choice only for adults ".

2. A gentleman is supposed to act chivalrous and pick up the bill, not charge 50 yuan for a kiss.

3. The election campaign for the second round was supposed to start on Friday and end on April 27.

4. How are u supposed to get to know someone when u cant speak to each other for 2 hours.

5. It is supposed to start operation by the end of this month, and has a capacity of raising 100 million chickens.

6. A capital punishment for such a killer was typical for a legal system that is supposed to deliver justice for society.

7. The previous leak was in the venting system supposed to carry excess hydrogen safely away from the launch pad.

8. Banks are supposed to carry out the onerous task of maintaining financial stability, not pursue wild unregulated investment profiting through reckless lending.

9. Each family was supposed to get the equivalent of $ 306, but the government has had problems distributing the cash.

10. Since community centers are supposed to target the general public, its medicines must be on the healthcare insurance catalog.

supposed 英英释义



1. based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence

    e.g. theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are still highly conjectural
           the supposed reason for his absence
           suppositious reconstructions of dead languages
           hypothetical situation

    Synonym: conjecturaldivinatoryhypotheticalhypotheticsuppositionalsuppositioussupposititious

2. doubtful or suspect

    e.g. these so-called experts are no help

    Synonym: alleged(a)so-called

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