
the Lijiang River是什么意思 the Lijiang River在线翻译 the Lijiang River什么意思 the Lijiang River的意思 the Lijiang River的翻译 the Lijiang River的解释

the Lijiang River

the Lijiang River 双语例句

1. Measuring Tool cutting tool factory is located in Guilin in China's Lijiang River in Guilin scenic coast, measuring apparatus is one of the major manufacturers, the file is a large state enterprises.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. Green Lotus Peak at the foot of her, and she Stadium 38 meters away from Yangshuo, 60 meters away from the Lijiang River.

3. The artificial waterfall that rushes down from its top matches the picturespue ambience of the hotel, with Shanhu Lake glittering right down in front, Lijiang River flowing on the east, Elephant Trunk Park neighbouring on the south, and Duxiu Hill and Diecai Hill towering on the north.

4. Nearby is a clean lingering of the Lijiang River, like a fairy in the hands of the prime training in dance with endless cents rhyme.

5. Nye not live this ancient poetry of the temptation, in order not to delay the advent of tomorrow's tour Lijiang trip, I hurried over with a friend Seven Star Park, the tour, in time for the night over the Li River before the advent of capsule flow-on, came to this, such as Choi Jin-stacked Diecai Hill.

6. Less crowded and noisy visitors to see the weather clear up again slowly, change open a clear line of sight, the heart is also with the children Lijiang River water-like joy.

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7. Across the Lijiang River, see also the leading mountain and Shou-Jiang Xianfeng peaks lock.

8. The Lijiang River is in the world one of scenery most beautiful rivers, long 160 kilometers.

9. Boating on the Lijiang River above, there was a beautiful evening Xiaguang from the slit at the thick clouds shot down, gold and green mountains and green gold is water, a flow of Sichuan please clear bottomed out, there are fish in the underwater leisure, clearly visible, Lilikeshu, that both sides of the scenery it makes one whom nostalgic about those times.

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10. I took an opportunity of enjoying a free travel to Guilin and I enjoyed the view of the Lijiang River.

11. the Lijiang River

11. At that time, the Song walls reached Guanyinge in the north, Yiwu Road in the west, Yang Bridge in the south and was near Lijiang River in the east.

12. the Lijiang River什么意思

12. Yang Di Bamboo qingliu waves, bringing the Eight Immortals Jiangshan potential loop tour, Lijiang River scenes and the two sides, it may become excited in Poetry, not only for inter-Fan Chen who drifted to recover, let heaven cents lifeless ground drunk, but also so that the natural the material wait senselessly searching.
      a%q0 一曲杨堤翠竹清流荡漾,至此八仙游江山势回环,漓江两岸情景交融,似牵情的诗话,不但让凡尘间人迷迷地追,也让天界的仙沉沉地醉,还让这自然中物痴痴地寻。

13. Qingliu like flying a River, a river Rain in a dream, and looking at God are prepared by crown-shaped mountain, pondering over the legend that is beautiful, and then look around the deck around it and that enlightened and full of feelings of overflowing face of the visitors, I think, Although they view Cijing different state of mind, realized that there are differences, however, that living in harmony with the Lijiang River water, sure that the love with which Rourou injected into their own hearts into the.
      d.fPC?%x;Hw0 一川清流如飞,一江烟雨如梦,看着那形神皆备的冠山,回味着这则美丽动人的传说,再四顾周遭这满甲板那欣悦之情溢满脸庞的游人,我想,他们虽然观此景心境不一,体悟有别,但是,这一川融融的漓江水,肯定带着这柔柔的爱意,注入到了他们各自的心怀之中了。

14. Farmers lit the horses rounded up by God to God Ma rushed to the foot of the mountain paintings, Linger along the Lijiang River twists and turns like a Chinese landscape painting scroll started, during Chibaya Wan He, Qifeng different holes, numerous, once you have personal experiences, journeys could be done and will certainly revel in which surprise.

15. the Lijiang River

15. Cruise on the Lijiang River grilled fish and small crabs, I did not call for the breakfast memory.

16. the Lijiang River的意思

16. I think that there is a nimbus of the Lijiang River water, it was the love story is beautifully displayed in Yaqian and, in this canyon Ruqirusu.

17. the Lijiang River的解释

17. And the result can be considered to choose the erection projection.3. The limit load capacity of the Lijiang River Bridge is calculated based on the bi-nonlinear theoty, with the use of APDL language(the program technology of ANSYS) to add initial defection to bridge structure.

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18. The Lijiang River origin in the South China first peak north the cassiabarktree the yuecheng ridge cat mountain.

19. I believe that, Lijiang River the Mountain and Water with Teana, Teana in the dream.

20. When I travel-worn back to the north, his feet again stand firm in the city's land, when memories of the Lijiang River will be feeling like Huangruogeshi than dreams floating fantasy.

the Lijiang River 单语例句

1. The popular route from Guilin to Yangshuo by way of the Lijiang River is full of floating merchants.

2. The part of Lijiang River between Guilin and Yangshuo is 83 kilometers long, like a green ribbon flowing among the mountains.

3. Sunset at the Yulong River, the biggest branch of the Lijiang River in Yangshuo.

4. It used to be a major trading center on the Lijiang River waterway.

5. Baoshan Stone City is situated in the Jinsha River Valley, 110 kilometers north of Lijiang city.

6. There are also two major rivers running through Lijiang, the Jinsha River and Lancang River.

7. Sailing down the Lijiang River with its enchanting karst landscape is an unforgettable experience.

8. In order to escape his pursuers, the man jumped into the Lijiang River.

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