
the Qiantang bore是什么意思 the Qiantang bore在线翻译 the Qiantang bore什么意思 the Qiantang bore的意思 the Qiantang bore的翻译 the Qiantang bore的解释

the Qiantang bore

the Qiantang bore 双语例句

1. Many people rush to watch the tidal bore of Qiantang River in Haining, Province every autumn.

2. In the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), Wang Chong the thinker, in his Essays of Criticism or Lun'Heng in Chinese, recorded his observations of the tidal bore of Qiantang River like this

3. Based on the analyzed results between the tidal bore height and tidal lower level at the outlet of Jinghang Great Canal crossing the Qiantang River, tidal bore pressure and its distribution at the gate of the ship lock have been found through tidal bore flume experiment.
    分析了二通道钱塘江出口处水域设计条件下涌潮高度与潮差、低潮位的关系,采用低潮位下50 a一遇的涌潮高度作为船闸闸门涌潮作用力试验的边界条件,得到船闸闸门所受的涌潮作用力和分布特征,涌潮对船闸闸门的最大作用力发生在低潮位附近,引航道喇叭形的出口将会加大涌潮对闸门的作用力。

4. The local current disturbance after bridge being built in Qiantang Estuary leads to correspond changes of riverbed near bridge. But there is not any impact on astronomical tide, runoff large-scaled river shape and riverbed after bridge being built. So it doesnt change the formation of tidal bore at all after bridge being built, but there is some impact on the shape and intensity of tidal bore because of pier resistance.

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5. Another natural spectacle to be found here is the tidal bore of the Qiantang River that has enthralled people for centuries.

6. For example, the Twenty-four Bridges with its brilliant moonlight, the Autumn Bore on the Qiantang River, the Putuo Isles enshrounded i****t, the Lichee Bay strewn with fading lotuses.

7. the Qiantang bore什么意思

7. The model is verified to compute some typical examples and the tidal bore on the Qiantang river.

8. 2D numerical model of the tidal bore in the Qiantang River was developed by using KFVS scheme in this paper.

9. the Qiantang bore

9. Can you introduce the International Xiaoshan Qiantang River Tidal Bore Festival?

10. Comparison of the simulation results with the observation data showed that the model had good generalization ability. Then the model was used in a case to study the effect of large scale reclamation and regulation works on the tidal bore in the Qiantang estuary.

11. To take this opportunity to sincerely welcome the distinguished customers and friends to visit EPM, you can also tour the way the dynamic Yangtze River Bank historical and cultural cities of Nanjing, also welcomed her to list the world-famous Qiantang River tidal bore.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. Using the Godunov scheme based on the exact Riemann solution with WLF Method, the tidal bore in the Qiantang Estuary is simulated.

13. The Qiantang estuary model was established, and the formation and propagation process of tidal bore was simulated.

14. In time Guilin has become known all over the world as " the No. 1 scenic spot under heaven. " The tidal bore of Qiantang has since ancient times been considered a spectacular sight.

15. The Qiantang bore is one of the magnificent natural sights in china.

16. danci.911chaxun.com

16. The period when the Qiantang bore formed is also inferred in this paper according to the formation of the estuary environment.

17. The tidal bore of Qiantang has since ancient times been considered a spectacular sight.

18. Numerically Simulating the Effect of Reclamation Project on the Tidal Bore in the Qiantang Estuary

19. The Qiantang tidal bore has surged down the river in eastern China, peaking just in time for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

20. It is said that in the world today only the tidal bore at the mouth of the mighty Amazon in Brazil can be a rival to that at the mouth of Qiantang.

the Qiantang bore 单语例句

1. It is home to the famous Qiantang River tidal bore that attracts thousands of visitors to watch the spectacular event each year.

2. The Qiantang River tidal bore is the world's largest in terms of height and speed.

3. The Qiantang River Tide is China's most famous tidal bore and the world's largest.

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