
third是什么意思 third在线翻译 third什么意思 third的意思 third的翻译 third的解释 third的发音 third的同义词 third的反义词 third的例句

third [θɜ:d]  [θɜ:rd] 


third 基本解释


名词第三; 三分之一; 第三档

形容词第三的; 三分之一的

third 相关例句


1. He was the third in the speech contest.

third 情景对话


B:I have a question about this quotation you submitted .


A:What is it ?

B:The third item has been omitted .


A:Oh ,yes .we don‘t carry that item anymore .


B:Were you able to quote on all the items we need ?

A:No, not all of them .


B:Oh ?why not ?

A:We aren‘t able to supply the third ad fifth items .


A:Mrs. Wang, You are on the third floor.


B:It looks very comfortable.

A:You have got lovely view of Hyde Park. This is your private bathroom, and just opposite is a kitchen which all six of you share. There is common room at the end of the corridor, and a games room next door.

third 网络解释

1. 三:维京夫妇被破例允许生第三胎(当时的法律规定每对夫妇只能生两胎),于是维京家的'老三' (Third)出世了,他果然如预期般在性格上是彼得与瓦伦苔的混合体.

2. 第三个:三、人为认知因素:当塔台通知PA1736在左边第三个(Third)出口处离开时,PA1376已滑至C1与C2中间(也就是他们已经滑过C1了),当时机组人员比对机场地图之后与讨论后,认定塔台的意思是要他们从C4离开主跑道.

third 词典解释

1. 第三
    The third item in a series is the one that you count as number three.

    e.g. I sleep on the third floor...
    e.g. It was the third time one of his cars had gone up in flames...

2. 三分之一
    A third is one of three equal parts of something.

    e.g. A third of the cost went into technology and services...
    e.g. Only one third get financial help from their fathers...

3. 第三(点)
    You say third when you want to make a third point or give a third reason for something.


    e.g. First, interest rates may take longer to fall than is hoped. Second, in real terms, lending may fall. Third, bad loans could wipe out much of any improvement.

4. 三等学位(英国大学颁发的最低级荣誉学位)
    A third is the lowest honours degree that can be obtained from a British university.

third 单语例句

1. The survey also showed that more than a third of China's logistics firms are using traditional operational methods in their transportation and storage business.

2. Named HSBC Life Insurance Co Ltd, it will open for business in the third quarter.

3. Maersk's container business for the third quarter registered a loss of $ 293 million compared with last year's profit of $ 1 billion.

4. All sectors surveyed also expected business situations would be better in the third quarter with an increase of output.

5. Analysts said the refining business could be even worse than the third quarter as oil prices continue to rise.

6. We already have excellent visibility as we build on new business that we are creating in the third quarter.

7. Business inventory spending surged to an estimated $ 56 billion in the fourth quarter after a 2 billion decline in the third quarter.

8. The US business fixed expenditure had declined for eight quarters in a row between the fourth quarter of 2000 and third quarter of 2002.

9. Aubrey Huff singled with one out in the ninth and took third when Buster Posey singled for his fourth hit of the game.

10. At the national championships Wu complained of fatigue after finishing third in the 100m butterfly and said he found it tough racing in the morning.

third 英英释义


1. the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed near the third of the bases in the infield (counting counterclockwise from home plate)

    e.g. he is playing third

    Synonym: third base

2. the base that must be touched third by a base runner in baseball

    e.g. he was cut down on a close play at third

    Synonym: third base

3. the third from the lowest forward ratio gear in the gear box of a motor vehicle

    e.g. you shouldn't try to start in third gear

    Synonym: third gear

4. the musical interval between one note and another three notes away from it

    e.g. a simple harmony written in major thirds

5. one of three equal parts of a divisible whole

    e.g. it contains approximately a third of the minimum daily requirement

    Synonym: one-thirdtierce

6. following the second position in an ordering or series

    e.g. a distant third
           he answered the first question willingly, the second reluctantly, and the third with resentment


1. coming next after the second and just before the fourth in position

    Synonym: 3rdtertiary


1. in the third place

    e.g. third we must consider unemployment

    Synonym: thirdly

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