
transport是什么意思 transport在线翻译 transport什么意思 transport的意思 transport的翻译 transport的解释 transport的发音 transport的同义词

transport [ˈtrænspɔ:t]  [ˈtrænspɔ:rt] 


transport 基本解释

及物动词运送,运输; 流放; 使欣喜若狂

名词运输; 运输船(机),运输系统; 狂喜; 流放犯

transport 相关例句


1. transport的翻译

1. The goods will be transported to Tokyo by air.

2. British prisoners used to be transported to Australia.

3. On hearing of the victory, the nation was transported with joy.


1. It is easier to travel if you have your own transport.

2. She was in a transport of delight at the good news.

transport 网络解释

1. 交通:教学重点:让学生会读会用本文出现的重点单词和词汇,引导学生阅读理解本文,人口(population),历史(history),政府(government),体育(sports),交通(transport),公园(parks)和建筑(buildings)等.在快读(scan)中直接利用学生教材上的快读提示设问,

2. 传输:在连接的过程 中,我们就要涉及另两个对等的对 象,这就是 在PowerBuilder5.0 中新增加的两个对象类型:连 接(connection)及传 输(transport)对 象. connection 对象是在客户端用以同服务器进行通讯的对 象,反过 来,

transport 词典解释

The noun is pronounced /'trænspɔːt/. The verb is pronounced /træns'pɔːt/. 名词读作/'trænspɔːt/。动词读作 /træns'pɔːt/。

1. 交通工具;运输工具
    Transport refers to any vehicle that you can travel in or carry goods in.

    e.g. Have you got your own transport?...
    e.g. Which type of transport do you prefer?

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 transportation

2. 交通运输系统;公共交通(网)
    Transport is a system for taking people or goods from one place to another, for example using buses or trains.

    e.g. The extra money could be spent on improving public transport...
    e.g. The sudden onset of winter caused havoc with rail and air transport

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 transportation

3. 运输;运送
    Transport is the activity of taking goods or people from one place to another in a vehicle.

    e.g. Local production virtually eliminates transport costs.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 transportation

4. 运输;运送
    To transport people or goods somewhere is to take them from one place to another in a vehicle.


    e.g. There's no petrol, so it's very difficult to transport goods...
    e.g. They use tankers to transport the oil to Los Angeles...

5. 使身处他境
    If you say that you are transported to another place or time, you mean that something causes you to feel that you are living in the other place or at the other time.

    e.g. Dr Drummond felt that he had been transported into a world that rivalled the Arabian Nights...
    e.g. In a dream you can be transported back in time…

6. (军用)运输工具;(尤指)运输机
    A military or troop transport is a military vehicle, especially a plane, that is used to carry soldiers or equipment.


transport 单语例句

1. He also urged local railway bureaux to hand their passenger transport business over to independent railway companies by the end of the year.

2. And those who share expenses for using a single car are penalized for engaging in an illegal passenger transport business.

3. What started as a military transport line turned into a busy trade route.

4. This year the busy transport period around the time of the Chinese Lunar New Year, is expected to arrive within two weeks and will last for 40 days.

5. The buzzing warehouse is a snapshot of Beijing's booming transport trade.

6. Everyone knows that China's transport and power sectors have been growing by leaps and bounds.

7. Transport by plane forms 177 times more greenhouse gases than shipping does.

8. A notice released by the Shenzhen municipal commission of transport and the public security bureau cited safety concerns as the reason for the ban.

9. Authorities dispatched 51 passenger buses to transport them by road when highway traffic resumed.

10. Amendments to the Traffic and Transport Law state " handicapped pedestrians must wear special and clear signs which can be easily recognized by other road users ".

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