
treasury是什么意思 treasury在线翻译 treasury什么意思 treasury的意思 treasury的翻译 treasury的解释 treasury的发音 treasury的同义词

treasury [ˈtreʒəri]  [ˈtrɛʒəri] 


treasury 基本解释


名词国库,金库; (政府的)财政部; 宝库,宝藏; 贮藏所,库房


treasury 相关例句


1. treasury什么意思

1. This book is a treasury of useful information.

treasury 网络解释

1. 财政部:英国政府重视科研评价工作的主要原因在于:(1)政府削减了研究投入;(2)财政部(Treasury)和内阁办公室(Cabinet Office)要求,将它们应用于研究计划的制定、预算分配、研究管理以及事后评价工作.

2. treasury什么意思

2. 宝库:你可以欣赏美丽的唱诗班排座(Quire)和礼拜堂(Chapter House在墓室(Undercroft)、宝库(Treasury)和地下室(Crypt)里探究大教堂的悠久历史;在中央塔楼(Central Tower)远眺,视线越过大教堂的小尖塔和怪兽装饰,俯瞰约克城历史悠久的中世纪街道,

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 金库:但是我们很庆幸米国的金库(treasury)是由他在掌管的.的意义和以前FED提供金援和贷款帮助贝尔斯登(Bear Sterns)一样是为了保持市场拿出钱来救AIG不只是为了救银行,

4. 国库券:最近泰德价差(TED spread),一个衡量美国国库券(Treasury)报酬跟欧洲美元(Eurro Dollar)利率的差距值,已经在7月回降到0.34% ,代表世界金融市场已经趋向安定.

treasury 词典解释

1. (英、美等国的)财政部
    In Britain, the United States, and some other countries, the Treasury is the government department that deals with the country's finances.


    e.g. The Treasury has long been predicting an upturn in consumer spending.

2. (城堡、教堂等的)宝库,珍藏室
    The treasury in a building such as a castle or a church is a room where valuable objects are displayed or stored.

treasury 单语例句

1. Universities and institutions entrust securities companies to buy treasury bonds for them, but these companies invested the money in stocks and futures markets through repurchasing.

2. Treasury Secretary John Snow and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan convinced them China was about to act on currency reform.

3. This corroborates a market guess that the government is considering sourcing the funds by issuing special treasury bonds.

4. Last year alone, the cabinet allocated 420 billion yuan from the government treasury for rural development.

5. Moreover, the portfolio of treasury secretary carries much importance among US cabinet members.

6. US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson was to take part in the call.

7. The temporary authority may be for 18 months, a Treasury official told reporters on a conference call on condition of anonymity.

8. MetLife said earlier that month it may be selected for a Treasury capital infusion.

9. The Ministry of Finance can issue Treasury bonds and then infuse the capital and the ICBC can also issue additional bonds itself.

10. Automakers have sought to borrow from the Federal Reserve as well as receive capital injections from the Treasury Department under the ongoing corporate rescue program.

treasury 英英释义



1. a depository (a room or building) where wealth and precious objects can be kept safely

2. the government department responsible for collecting and managing and spending public revenues

3. the funds of a government or institution or individual

    Synonym: exchequer

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