
twice是什么意思 twice在线翻译 twice什么意思 twice的意思 twice的翻译 twice的解释 twice的发音 twice的同义词 twice的反义词 twice的例句

twice [twaɪs]  [twaɪs] 

twice 基本解释


副词两次; 两倍; 两遍


twice 相关词组

1. in twice : 分两次(做某事);

2. at twice : 分两次, 在第二次时;


twice 相关例句


1. The dining-room is twice as big as the kitchen.

2. Twice three is six.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. He comes to work twice a week.

4. twice是什么意思

4. He has twice the strength he had.

5. You've asked me that question twice.

twice 情景对话



A:Did you get the job?

B:Yes, I’ll be working in the development department.


A:Did you meet your boss?

B:Just briefly. She seemed nice.

A:Will you have to work overtime?

B:Sometimes. They said I should expect to work overtime once or twice a month.


A:Is it paid or unpaid?

B:It’s unpaid, but I can then take an extra day off. So, if I work an extra 8 hours on a Thursday night, I can take Friday off.

A:That’s alright. It might be tiring, but then you can at least have a three-day holiday.


B:I think it’s great.

A:How about your daily office hours?

B:It’s just a 9-5 job, with a 30 minute lunch break.
      朝九晚五,中午有30 分钟的午休时间。

A:Did you meet your other colleagues?

B:I met the people from my department. They all seemed nice.

A:Do you have an office?

B:Not yet. For now, I have to sit in a cubicle.

A:How do you feel about that?


B:I’m not ecstatic about it, but if nothing else, it will motivate me to work harder so I can get an office!

A:You’re always looking on the bright side of things!



A:Tell me about your family, Simon. Are you from a big family?

B:No, my immediate family is quite small. There are only five of us. My parents, my younger brother and my younger sister. But my parents both come from large families.

A:How many people are in your extended family?

B:There are too many to count. I suppose, well over 100 people.

A:Do you get to see your family often?

B:I see my immediate family every weekend, and I see my extended family about once or twice a year.We usually see each other for Christmas, Easter, and other big celebrations, like weddings.

A:Have you ever been to a family reunion?

B:Actually, I have been to one, but it wasn’t mine! It was one of my friends’. He didn’t want to be theonly boy there, so I went with him to keep him company. This was a long time ago, of course.

A:Are many of your relative divorced?


B:Let me think. I believe it’s just my one uncle. He’s always been a rebel. My grandmother was very religious, so most of my relatives were too scared to get divorced!


A:Do you have any relatives who are single mothers?


B:I have just one-her father is the one who got divorced. Their family is sort of the black sheep of our extended family.

twice 网络解释

1. 再次:早晨进去早读时发现一上午全正课,再次(twice)鄙视学校. 曳冥写给我说,当忙碌(busy)的人突然闲暇(free)下来,会有百种情感侵袭而来. 并在心灵深处暖昧地缠绵不清.

2. 次:不固定,看需要,曾经(ever)两次(twice)为最妙. 开电脑、程序(program)找,不健康的(unhealthy)不能要. 破烂物(junk), 先杀掉,一次(once)清除见奇效. 同年级(grade),区别(difference)小,至于(as for)成绩(grade)错不了.

3. 两次,两倍:TV 电视,电视机 | twice 两次,两倍 | ▲twin 双胞胎之一

twice 词典解释

1. 两次
    If something happens twice, there are two actions or events of the same kind.

    e.g. He visited me twice that fall and called me on the telephone often...
    e.g. The government has twice declined to back the scheme…

2. (表示频率)每天两次/一周两次
    You use twice in expressions such as twice a day and twice a week to indicate that two events or actions of the same kind happen in each day or week.

    e.g. I phoned twice a day, leaving messages with his wife...
    e.g. This famous horse race has taken place here twice a year since 1310.
           这一著名的赛马比赛自 1310 年以来每年在这里举行两次。

3. 两倍;强(或好、难)得多
    If one thing is, for example, twice as big or old as another, the first thing is two times as big or old as the second. People sometimes say that one thing is twice as good or hard as another when they want to emphasize that the first thing is much better or harder than the second.

    e.g. The figure of seventy-million pounds was twice as big as expected.
           7,000 万英镑的金额是预期的两倍。
    e.g. …a report claiming that teachers could be twice as effective if they returned to traditional classroom methods.

4. 重新考虑;慎重考虑;思忖再三
    If you think twice about doing something, you consider it again and decide not to do it, or decide to do it differently.

    e.g. She'd better shut her mouth and from now on think twice before saying stupid things.

5. once or twice -> see once
    twice over -> see over

twice 单语例句

1. Bears point to forecasts by economists that show Japan will contract twice as much as the US this year.

2. Being out here by yourself is enough to make you think twice.

3. Marc LaPorte said an anonymous caller called twice Friday saying a man on the flight had explosives.

4. The scene was so captivating that one cameraman near us fell into the water twice when taking photos.

5. She came down with malaria twice during her stay in Kumbo, a northwestern village of Cameroon.

6. The UN said cannabis yields around twice the quantity of drug per hectare as opium poppies and requires less investment to grow it.

7. The Canton Fair has been held twice a year in the spring and autumn since it was inaugurated in the spring of 1957.

8. The total capital assets of central banks worldwide amount to $ 18 trillion, or 19 percent of global GDP twice the level of 10 years ago.

9. Shockingly, the car drove backwards and rolled over the boy's body twice.

10. Twice he has lost internal Likud Party votes on his plan by wide margins, but he insists he will carry it out regardless.


twice 英英释义


1. two times

    e.g. I called her twice

2. to double the degree

    e.g. she was doubly rewarded
           his eyes were double bright

    Synonym: doublydouble

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