
unify是什么意思 unify在线翻译 unify什么意思 unify的意思 unify的翻译 unify的解释 unify的发音 unify的同义词 unify的反义词 unify的例句

unify [ˈju:nɪfaɪ]  [ˈjunəˌfaɪ] 


unify 基本解释

及物动词统一; 使联合; 使相同; 使一致

unify 相关例句


1. unify的反义词

1. It's almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. All these small states were unified into one nation.

unify 网络解释

1. 统一:以及保护网路浏览器的设定;防止恶意修改包括网站首页、我的最爱以及搜寻出的网页等等组合国际电脑股份有限公司 (CA) 是全球最大的管理软体公司之一,致力於统一 (Unify) 与简化 (Simply) 企业管理IT环境所需的软体和服务,

2. 统合:但这情况也解释了许多事情, 你看, 你们正在与许多必须重复同一周期的实体 一起经历第三次元; 因此即使有许多导师(teach/learners)的协助, 要统合(unify)为一体仍是件困难的事情.

3. unify的意思

3. 使成一体,统一:travel 旅行 | unify 使成一体,统一 | use 使用,运用

unify 词典解释

1. (使)成一体;(使)联合;(使)统一
    If someone unifies different things or parts, or if the things or parts unify, they are brought together to form one thing.

    e.g. A flexible retirement age is being considered by Ministers to unify men's and women's pension rights...
    e.g. He said he would seek to unify the Conservative Party and win the next general election...

...a unified German state.
...a unified system of taxation.

unify 单语例句

1. Its main objective was to unify China under the Kuomintang banner by ending the rule of local warlords.

2. The Egyptian government has announced plans to unify the call to prayer that is broadcast from thousands of different loudspeakers in the country's capital.

3. Strengthen centralization benefits to unify the scale and form integrated core competitiveness.

4. Wu said China needs to unify its regulation of financial products to clearly separate bank transactions from those of their customers.

5. The city's urban planning bureau is seeking public comment on a plan to unify Guangzhou with a dominant hue.

6. To unify efforts, the commission recommended creating a national counterterrorism center.

7. Legislators suggested the country should unify the authority on patents, trademarks and copyrights into a single administrative body for better execution.

8. We should try to unify our standard for products and services and set up a complete standard system and reporting system.

9. Unify the tax rates collected on different kinds of alcohol, all Chinese alcohols will need to pay a 20 percent consumption tax.

10. The law aims to unify corporate income tax rates for domestic and foreign companies at 25 per cent to guarantee a " level playing field ".

unify 英英释义



1. join or combine

    e.g. We merged our resources

    Synonym: unitemerge

2. become one

    e.g. Germany unified officially in 1990
           the cells merge

    Synonym: unitemerge

3. to bring or combine together or with something else

    e.g. resourcefully he mingled music and dance

    Synonym: mixminglecommixamalgamate

4. act in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief

    Synonym: unite

5. bring together for a common purpose or action or ideology or in a shared situation

    e.g. the Democratic Patry platform united several splinter groups

    Synonym: unite

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