
upbeat是什么意思 upbeat在线翻译 upbeat什么意思 upbeat的意思 upbeat的翻译 upbeat的解释 upbeat的发音 upbeat的同义词 upbeat的反义词 upbeat的例句

upbeat [ˈʌpbi:t]  [ˈʌpˌbit] 


upbeat 基本解释

形容词积极乐观的; 愉快的,高兴的

名词上升; 弱拍; 兴旺

upbeat 相关例句


1. My Dad is really an upbeat guy.

2. We got some upbeat news yesterday.

upbeat 网络解释

1. 弱拍:如果我们看一下组曲第3号的萨拉班德舞曲,就可以看到它第一小节的三拍是以逐渐减弱的方式过度到第二小节的起始,而第三小节也是在前一个小节的音符尚未消失的情况下起始的,并以一个独立的弱拍(upbeat)过度到下一个小节.

2. 乐观的, 欢乐的:upbeat乐观的, 欢乐的 | delighted欣喜的, 快乐的 | disturbed扰乱的

3. 弱拍,上升,兴旺;v,乐观的:slippery 滑的,问题棘手的 | upbeat 弱拍,上升,兴旺;v,乐观的 | clannish 氏族的,部落的;抱成一团的,排外的

upbeat 词典解释

1. 达观的;乐观的;充满希望的
    If people or their opinions are upbeat, they are cheerful and hopeful about a situation.

    e.g. The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far...
    e.g. Neil's colleagues say he was actually in a joking, upbeat mood...

2. 弱拍;上拍
    In music, the upbeat is the beat before the first beat of the bar.


upbeat 单语例句

1. Investment bank CCB International Securities Ltd remains upbeat on the domestic banking sector this year, amid a flurry of bullish data and research reports on the Chinese economy.

2. More upbeat was USA Today which hailed an evening of " cheeky and challenging theater " complete with " sexy but age appropriate " costumes.

3. Upbeat rock music played, and shoppers clustered around the iPad display.

4. China's upbeat stock market brings more commission income to brokers this year.

5. The upbeat figures follow two years of continuous losses after the global financial crisis hit the aluminum market.

6. He remained upbeat about the airline's future, citing a cost reduction of $ 5 billion a year due to falling jet fuel prices.

7. China's top science official yesterday sounded an upbeat note about achieving the country's green goals - innovatively.

8. Lu also shrugged off concerns about CSL's marketing prospective, saying he is upbeat about the sponsorship development for the new season.

9. The company director Stephen Yip told China Daily that he is upbeat that the purchase could substantially raise the overall solvent output.

10. Instead it was set by global central banks, and by upbeat economic data from the US.

upbeat 英英释义



1. an unaccented beat (especially the last beat of a measure)

    Synonym: offbeat

2. a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous

    e.g. the town was finally on the upbeat after our recent troubles

    Synonym: wellbeingwell-beingwelfareeudaemoniaeudaimonia


1. pleasantly (even unrealistically) optimistic

    Synonym: cheerfulpollyannaish

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