
voyage是什么意思 voyage在线翻译 voyage什么意思 voyage的意思 voyage的翻译 voyage的解释 voyage的发音 voyage的同义词 voyage的反义词 voyage的例句

voyage [ˈvɔɪɪdʒ]  [ˈvɔɪɪdʒ] 


voyage 基本解释


名词旅程; 旅行,航海,航空; 远行



voyage 相关例句


1. The brave young man voyaged single-handed in his yacht for months.


1. The voyage from America to France used to take two months.

voyage 网络解释

1. voyage的近义词

1. 航海:他因此创作了大量诗歌,1924年发表了爱情诗<<航海>>(Voyage),1926年出版了第一本诗集<<白色的楼房>>(White Buildings). 他的诗广泛使用象征和隐喻,理解起来不太容易,在他的创作中,他回顾了从坡到艾略特的美国文学历程,

2. (海上)旅行:海上旅行(Voyage) 这种产品的设计灵感来自海边旅游,绝妙的东方色彩与新鲜的经历、独特的感想为伴,绚丽的色彩是此种流行趋势的主要风格--用深橘色粉刷墙壁,会使您的房间充满温馨的异国情调,如果搭配辣椒红或者艳粉色效果更佳,

voyage 词典解释

1. 旅行;航行;航海;航天
    A voyage is a long journey on a ship or in a spacecraft.


    e.g. He aims to follow Columbus's voyage to the West Indies.
    e.g. ...the first space shuttle voyage to be devoted entirely to astronomy.

2. 旅行;(尤指)航海旅行
    To voyage to a place means to travel there, especially by sea.

    e.g. The Greenpeace flagship is voyaging through the Arctic cold of the Barents Sea.

...fifteenth-century voyagers to the lands now called America and the Caribbean.
Our boat would not have been appropriate for ocean voyaging.

voyage 单语例句

1. The capital city of Guangdong Province was the eighth port of call on a voyage which includes 11 Chinese port cities.

2. Chinese ports serve as important departure points and destinations for summer cruise voyage in Asia, and also major ports of call for winter cruises.

3. A huge cargo ship made in the Chinese mainland under a Taiwan order was officially launched to voyage on Friday.

4. Tourists will take the direct sea voyage between Xiamen and Jinmen by chartered boat and will visit four or five places of interest.

5. Yang took a Fiyta watch and some Hearten chewing gum on his voyage.

6. The Civil Aviation Administration of China approved the flight and sent navigators for the voyage.

7. The historic maiden voyage provided the first Chinese military escort for a commercial ship in the Gulf of Aden.

8. Survivors told coastguard officials the bodies of three babies who had died of hunger and exhaustion during the voyage were flung overboard.

9. She is expecting relatively smooth sailing by comparison on her voyage back to Western Australia and then on to the east coast city of Sydney.

10. Guo will have to eat artificial dehydrated food during the voyage, and use a desalination unit to get drinking water.

voyage 英英释义


1. a journey to some distant place

2. an act of traveling by water

    Synonym: ocean trip



1. travel on water propelled by wind or by other means

    e.g. The QE2 will sail to Southampton tomorrow

    Synonym: sailnavigate

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