
wants是什么意思 wants在线翻译 wants什么意思 wants的意思 wants的翻译 wants的解释 wants的发音 wants的同义词 wants的反义词 wants的例句

wants ['wɒnts]  ['wɒnts] 


wants 基本解释

名词需求,欲望,必需品; 缺乏( want的名词复数 ); 需要的东西; 贫穷; 贫困

动词缺少( want的第三人称单数 ); 应该; 打算; 需要…在场

wants 情景对话


A:She wants to start a family.

B:She is pregnant. /She is expecting.




B:What did she have? /What is she expecting?

A:She told me that she decided not to have it tested. Only God knows.


A:Would you like to come to our factory for a visit?


B:Oh, yes. Thank you. I’d be glad to.

A:You can look around our new workshops and the automatic machines.


B:I’m sure the output of your production will increase a lot.


A:Yes. Our factory director wants to meet you and talk over somethings about the business.


A:When is your lunch break?

B:I usually have lunch around noon, but I’m tired up with this report right now.
      我通常在12 点左右吃午饭,但现在要赶一个报告,脱不开身。


A:When do you think you’ll finish?

B:My supervisor wants to have it on her desk by 1 pm.

A:Do you want to go for lunch together at 1 pm?


B:I don’t know. She might want to discuss it with me then.


A:I see. Are you hungry?


B:I’m starving! But I don’t think I’m going to have any opportunities to eat this afternoon.


A:Do you want me to pick up a sandwich for you?

B:That would be great! I could eat it at my desk while I’m working.


A:What kind of sandwich would you like?


B:I’m not picky. Anything will do. Here’s a five.
      我不挑剔,哪种都可以,这是5 美元。

A:Don’t worry about it. I’ll get it. I’ll be back in 15 minutes or so.
      别担心,我会帮你买回来,我15 分钟左右回来。

B:Thanks a million!

A:Let’s do lunch tomorrow, though.

B:OK, but tomorrow, it’ll be on me!

wants 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 需要:概念形成就是需要(Wants)的产生,不论这个「需要」是由顾客牵引(Pull)或是技术推播(Push)产生的,反正总是有个开头,没有第一步,其它的也就不必再谈了. 3. 运用项目总时程的10-20%时间好好的规划一下要做的事,可以省郄因为错误而重做 (Rework)之风险.

wants 单语例句

1. Chow Tai Fook wants these two projects to form a complete business value chain from overall resources development to production and operations.

2. She is a business management major at Hawaii Pacific University, and wants to be an entrepreneur in the resort industry.

3. Lung said BEA wants to develop its wealth management business on the island, she declined to comment further.

4. Kim Kardashian wants to date a " lawyer or a businessman ".

5. And nobody wants to see China's economy go bust, right?

6. China wants to develop peacefully, but what if others do not want China to develop peacefully?

7. There is a butterfly in the room that wants to escape, and it follows the ceiling up and up over time.

8. " But how large a stake SASAC wants China Mobile to buy in ICBC is unclear, " the person said.

9. CISA insists it wants to turn the iron ore industry from a seller's market to a buyer's market.

10. Peter said he wants to further raise foreigners'image among Chinese people by traveling the country by car and raising funds for the charity.

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