
warm是什么意思 warm在线翻译 warm什么意思 warm的意思 warm的翻译 warm的解释 warm的发音 warm的同义词 warm的反义词 warm的例句 warm的相关词组

warm [wɔ:m]  [wɔ:rm] 


warm 基本解释

形容词热情的; 暖和的,温暖的; 保暖的; 暖调的


及物动词加热; 使热情; 使兴奋


不及物动词加温; 感兴趣; 变得友善或友好

warm 同义词


warm 反义词


warm 相关词组


1. warm up : 热身, 重新煮热, 变暖;

warm 相关例句


1. She sat in the warm sunshine.

2. The day was warm and cloudless.


1. The hot drink warmed him.


1. He warmed up when I told him the good news.


1. She lit the gas and gave the coffee another warm.

warm 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 温暖的:秋天(Autumn)天气是多雷雨(Thunderstorms冬天(Winter)天气是多雪(Snowy).还有各种天气的表达,多云(Cloudy)风(Windy)闪电(Lightning)冷(Cold)热(Hot),形容词凉爽的(Cool)多雾的(Foggy)温暖的(Warm)潮湿的(Wet),还有一些新的词汇例如,

2. 暖和:给宝贝洗手,告诉他他的手脏了(dirty),要洗手,洗时,打开水,告诉他把手打湿了(wet),加点香皂(soap)搓搓手(rub).洗时,我一会儿打开冷水,提示他很冷(cold),一会儿把水调暖和,告诉他很暖和(warm),温度更高一些时,告诉他(hot)然后说要停止,

3. 温:热(hot) 冷(cold)头 温(warm) 高血压感染 阳虚心 温(warm) 高血压冠心病 心衰肺 稍温(warm) 肺火、咳黄痰 慢枝、哮喘胃 温(warm) 腹胀呕吐 痉挛 疼痛肝 温(warm) 肝郁、肝阳亢 囊肿、硬化脾、胰腺 稍温(warm) 炎症 癌症 糖尿病肠

warm 词典解释

1. 温暖的;暖和的
    Something that is warm has some heat but not enough to be hot.

    e.g. Wheat is grown in places which have cold winters and warm, dry summers...
    e.g. Because it was warm, David wore only a white cotton shirt...

2. (衣物或毯子)保暖的,保温的
    Warm clothes and blankets are made of a material such as wool which protects you from the cold.


    e.g. They have been forced to sleep in the open without food or warm clothing...
    e.g. The bed had clean sheets and warm blankets.

Remember to wrap up warmly on cold days.
...warmly dressed.

3. 暖色调的;有暖感的
    Warm colours have red or yellow in them rather than blue or green, and make you feel comfortable and relaxed.

    e.g. We hope the colour gives the house a warm and inviting feel...
    e.g. The basement hallway is painted a warm yellow.

4. 热心的;热情的;热烈的
    A warm person is friendly and shows a lot of affection or enthusiasm in their behaviour.

    e.g. She was a warm and loving mother...
    e.g. 'Wonderful!' he exclaimed, in the familiar warm voice that made everybody who knew him feel welcome...

New members are warmly welcomed...
He greeted me warmly.

5. 使暖和;让…取暖
    If you warm a part of your body or if something hot warms it, it stops feeling cold and starts to feel hotter.


    e.g. The sun had come out to warm his back...
    e.g. She went to warm her hands by the log fire.

6. (对某人)产生好感;(对想法)开始感兴趣
    If you warm to a person or an idea, you become fonder of the person or more interested in the idea.

    e.g. Those who got to know him better warmed to his openness and honesty...
    e.g. Elizabeth warmed to her theme as the letter continued with her favourite lament.

相关词组:warm downwarm up

warm 单语例句

1. As butter made from yak or goat milk melts in warm weather, butter sculptures have to be made in the coldest months of the year.

2. He said he has read the letter from the students carefully and was moved by the warm and kind feelings expressed in the letter.

3. The graphic book by the Japanese illustrator offers warm and fuzzy stories of living alone in a city.

4. The ponds were divided by water temperature into warm, hot and very hot ponds.

5. Jin Jiang Tower Shanghai invites you to a warm Christmas celebration by treating your loved ones and yourself to a culinary gala.

6. Since legal action alone cannot provide the warm family atmosphere a child needs, Zhang urged other government departments to establish security system for such children.

7. The fourth month of the lunar calendar is traditionally known as a " bright and warm " month.

8. Really it should be called a slightly warm line, rather than a hot line.

9. The old couple's children came to see them on New Year's Eve at their clean, warm apartment.

10. The suction caused the ear canal to warm and helped draw out impurities and toxins into the lower section of the candle.

warm 英英释义



1. make warm or warmer

    e.g. The blanket will warm you

2. get warm or warmer

    e.g. The soup warmed slowly on the stove

    Synonym: warm up


1. of a seeker
    near to the object sought

    e.g. you're getting warm
           hot on the trail

2. uncomfortable because of possible danger or trouble

    e.g. made things warm for the bookies

3. characterized by liveliness or excitement or disagreement

    e.g. a warm debate

4. characterized by strong enthusiasm

    e.g. ardent revolutionaries
           warm support

    Synonym: ardent

5. easily aroused or excited

    e.g. a quick temper
           a warm temper

    Synonym: quick

6. freshly made or left

    e.g. a warm trail
           the scent is warm

    Synonym: strong

7. having or displaying warmth or affection

    e.g. affectionate children
           a fond embrace
           fond of his nephew
           a tender glance
           a warm embrace

    Synonym: affectionatefondlovesometender

8. having or producing a comfortable and agreeable degree of heat or imparting or maintaining heat

    e.g. a warm body
           a warm room
           a warm climate
           a warm coat

9. psychologically warm
    friendly and responsive

    e.g. a warm greeting
           a warm personality
           warm support

10. (color) inducing the impression of warmth
    used especially of reds and oranges and yellows

    e.g. warm reds and yellows and orange


1. in a warm manner

    e.g. warmly dressed
           warm-clad skiers

    Synonym: warmly

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