
waters是什么意思 waters在线翻译 waters什么意思 waters的意思 waters的翻译 waters的解释 waters的发音 waters的同义词 waters的反义词 waters的例句

waters [ˈwɔ:təz]  [ˈwɔtəz, ˈwɑtəz] 


waters 基本解释

名词海域; 河水; 江水; 湖水; 水( water的名词复数 ); (湖、河等的)水域; (一片)水面; 大片的水

动词给…水喝( water的第三人称单数 ); 在…浇水[洒水]; 往(酒里)掺水; (尤指江河)流经并供水给(某地区)

waters 网络解释

1. 沃特斯:从这次的盛会来看,可以比较清楚地感受到一年来分析仪器产业新的2006年8月上海-讯:作为全球领先的液相色谱、质谱、化学品及实验室信息管理系统专业生产厂家, 沃特斯(Waters)将于今秋9月19日至21日参加在上海新国际博览中心举办的慕尼黑上海分析生化展,

2. 沃特斯公司:去年,沃特斯公司(Waters)推出了Acquity超高液相色谱(Acquity UPLC)系统,这是一款以涡轮机增压的高效液相色谱系统. 在最常见的液相色谱中,微粒大小在3~5mm之间,压力范围为 6,000 psi,这是多年以来的标准系统. 但是,

3. 水体:围绕此次洪涝灾害成因与对策的反思,我们发现,我们所提出的多学科协作,研究流域内高地(upland)、沿岸带(riparian)以及水体(waters)生态系统间物质、能量、信息等流动规律的想法,与国务院提出的洪涝灾后恢复重建工作的32字指导方针,

4. waters:water on the earth surface; 地表水

waters 单语例句

1. Such a limited business scope is perfect for foreign investors who want to test the waters in the China market before making a big commitment.

2. It accused its neighbor of violating its waters and staging military drills in the area and vowed to protect its border by force.

3. Waters also has pushed the administration to adopt her Edible Schoolyard project in which children plant their own produce to eat in the school cafeteria.

4. These messages call for Japan to immediately and unconditionally release Zhan, saying that Chinese fishermen have rights to fish in the waters around the islands.

5. Reports called it the largest number of Chinese vessels seen in the waters since the impasse occurred on April 10.

6. The UN Security Council has adopted four resolutions calling on all countries and regions to help patrol the gulf and waters off Somalia since June.

7. He said 500 navy personnel will remain on active duty in the Middle East and patrolling Australian waters.

8. Commercial fishing will also still be allowed in the waters over the Mariana Trench, the world's deepest underwater canyon.

9. Shipping lanes in Australian waters typically require a seasoned captain to go aboard an incoming ship to help navigate around hazards.

10. Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told a regular news briefing that " the navy's routine exercise near Xisha Islands is normal activity within China's territorial waters ".

waters 英英释义



1. the serous fluid in which the embryo is suspended inside the amnion

    e.g. before a woman gives birth her waters break

    Synonym: amniotic fluidamnionic fluid

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