
worldly是什么意思 worldly在线翻译 worldly什么意思 worldly的意思 worldly的翻译 worldly的解释 worldly的发音 worldly的同义词 worldly的反义词

worldly [ˈwɜ:ldli]  [ˈwɜ:rldli] 

worldly 基本解释

形容词尘世的; 世间的,世上的; 追逐名利的,鄙俗的

副词世俗地; 世故地


worldly 反义词


worldly 相关例句


1. He made a will leaving all his worldly goods to his daughter.

worldly 网络解释

1. 世间的:worldling 俗物 | worldly 世间的 | worldly-minded 营求名利的

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 世俗的 追逐名利的:profane 亵渎宗教的 | worldly 世俗的 追逐名利的 | pagan 异教的 邪教的 异教徒

3. 世间的,老练的, 见闻广大的:2. affluence: n. 富裕,富足 | 3. worldly: 世间的,老练的, 见闻广大的 | Women's Murder Club (美女专案组)

worldly 词典解释

1. 尘世的;世俗的;现实的
    Worldly is used to describe things relating to the ordinary activities of life, rather than to spiritual things.

    e.g. I think it is time you woke up and focused your thoughts on more worldly matters...
    e.g. He has repeatedly criticized Western churches as too worldly and too entrenched in consumerism.

2. 世故的;老成练达的
    Someone who is worldly is experienced and knows about the practical or social aspects of life.

    e.g. He was different from anyone I had known, very worldly, everything that Dermot was not...
    e.g. He was worldly and sophisticated.

To Betty, Joe had an air of worldliness.

3. 名利的
    Worldly is used to describe things relating to success, wealth, and possessions.


    e.g. Today the media drive athletes to the view that the important thing is to gain worldly success.

4. 物质的
    You can refer to someone's possessions as their worldly goods or possessions.

    e.g. ...a man who had given up all his worldly goods...
    e.g. They are willing to sign away their entire worldly possessions.

worldly 单语例句

1. The theme celebrates the festive spirit and worldly commotion of the Qingming Festival.

2. For quite a number of people, money and other worldly benefits have become the only criterion of judging an action.

3. When it made its first ever journey on July 1, it carried a load of this worldly excitement into Lhasa.

4. Deling is worldly wise and her outgoing personality stands in sharp contrast to the depressing stiffness of the Forbidden City.

5. In line with this social psychology, the woodcarving images and stories display an unusually upbeat attitude toward worldly life.

6. His Holiness is anything but that - for on the surface he is the very embodiment of worldly success.

7. In short order she gets involved with the much older man, smitten with his seemingly glamorous lifestyle and worldly wisdom.

8. Years ago professors were often poor and stood aloof from worldly strife.

9. This is the " humble monk " who forswears worldly goods in favor of living a simple life dressed in maroon robes.

10. New generations of consumers will be more literate, worldly and fashion savvy.

worldly 英英释义


1. very sophisticated especially because of surfeit
    versed in the ways of the world

    e.g. the blase traveler refers to the ocean he has crossed as `the pond'
           the benefits of his worldly wisdom

    Synonym: blase

2. characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world as opposed to the spiritual world

    e.g. worldly goods and advancement
           temporal possessions of the church

    Synonym: seculartemporal

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